Specialist doctors, Department of Septic Surgery
Nguyen Minh Ky M.D., M.A
Head nurse of Department of septic sugery
2011: Occupational accident treated at Viet Duc and National Institute of burn from 2006 -2009. co-writer. Journal of Clinical Medicine Vietnam
2013 Evaluating the skill of clinical teaching of nurses through the project “ Improving the competency of the nursing teachers “ in association between QUT – Australia and Viet Duc Hospital. Co-writer. Journal of practical medicine. Nursing care to positive HIV patients treated at Viet Duc Hospital, from 2008 to 2011.
2014: Some remarks on Nursing Ostomy Care at the Department of Septic Surgery, Viet Duc Hospital; Nurse’ knowledge, attitude and practice of wound care through Vietnam’s nursing competency standard;
2015: Compliance of nursing practice on giving preoperative prophylactic antibiotic at Viet Duc Hospital – a cross – study in 2014
2016: Effectiveness of Prontosan using to the wound care in preventing the SSI; Reviewing the knowledge and practice of nurses after 12 months re-trained due to the national standards of wound care. ; Effectiveness of training in improving the quality of wound care as the competency standards at Viet Duc Hospital.