Specialist doctors, Anatomic Pathology, Cytological pathology and Forensic Medecine
Nguyen Sy Lanh M.D., M.A
Chief of Anatomic Pathology, Cytological Pathology and Forensic Medicine Department, Viet Duc University Hospital.
Chief of Anatomic Pathology, Cytological Pathology and Forensic Medicine Department, Viet Duc University Hospital.
Deputy Chief of Forensic Medicine Department, Hanoi Medical University.
Investigator of Forensic Medicine, Ministry of Health.
Anatomic Pathology
Cytological Pathology
Training and education:
2000: Graduated from Hanoi Medical University.
2001: Training course major in Anatomic Pathology at En Chu Kong Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
2007: Master Degree major in Anatomic Pathology at Hanoi Medical University.
2008: Training course major in Anatomic Pathology about pathologies in organ transplants, digestive and hepatobiliary diseases at Turin University Hospital (Saint Giovanni Battista Torino), Italy
2012: Residency major in Anatomic Pathology at JoSeph Fourier University, Grenoble city, French Republic.
Expertise strengths:
Anatomic Pathology in Organ Transplantation: Liver pathology and liver transplantation; Heart pathology and heart transplant; Kidney pathology and kidney transplant; Lung pathology and lung transplantation.
Anatomic Pathology specialized in Central Nervous System Pathology, Gastrointestinal System.
Molecular biology in Anatomic Pathology.