Specialist doctors, Maxillofacial, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery


Vu Trung Truc M.D., PhD

Deputy Chief of Maxillofacial, Plastic and Aesthetic surgery Department, Viet Duc University Hospital



Deputy Chief of Maxillofacial, Plastic and Aesthetic surgery Department, Viet Duc University Hospital


Plastic and Aesthetic surgery.

Training and education:

2002: Graduated from Hanoi Medical University.

2006: Aesthetic surgical residency at Hanoi Medical University.

2011: Training on Aesthetic surgeon and treatment physician at Chang Gung Memorial University – Taiwan.

2014: Training on Practical clinic physician specialized in Aesthetic surgery at E-Da Hospital, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

2015: Training at Royal North Shore Hospital, The University of Sydney, Australia.

2016: Training in Aesthetic surgery at Facing the World foundation, Chelsea – Westminster Hospital, Charing Cross…, London, United Kingdom.

2017: Training in Aesthetic surgery at Japanese Council of Medical Training, Tonaromon Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.

7/2018: Specialized course in Aesthetic surgery at Asan Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea.

Expertise strengths:

Craniofacial surgery (skull deformation, cleft lip, ear aesthetized).

Maxillofacial surgery (maxillofacial trauma and tumor maxillofacial area).

Microsurgery (amputated parts, vascular microsurgery, lymphatic edema surgery, peripheral neuropathy).

Aesthetic surgery in face paralyzed treatment.

Plastic surgery (maxillofacial area, maxillofacial bone resection, laparoscopic applications in breast augmentation, abdominal shaping, high technology applications in aesthetic and plastic surgery).

Congenital and breast shaping surgery, after cancer treatment, shaping external genitalia.

Vascular abnormalities.


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