- Name of department: Financial and Accounting Department
- Contact:
Address: 1st floor – A1 building
Tel: (024)38.289. 268 (ext - 268)
- Development history:
- Missions, duties:
Finance and Accounting Department is the advisory division for Director in the financial sector. Collect, process and synthesize information about funding sources, donation and fund’s use. Use the revenues incurred in units. To inspect and control the observance of revenue and expenditure estimates and the implementation of economic and financial norms on the basis of State's standards and norms. Checking the management and use of materials and public assets at units. To inspect the observance of budget collection and remittance discipline, payment discipline and financial regimes and policies for State. Prepare and timely submit financial reports to superior management agencies and financial agencies according to regulations. Provide necessary information and documents for estimating and building spending norms. Analyzing and evaluating the efficiency of using funding sources, donations in units. Organizing fees collection with the motto of ensuring correct and full collection, and controlling the use of revenue sources in accordance with current policy regime to meet the requirements of professional activities and achieve high efficiency.
- Personnel
5.1 Incumbent leaders:
Head of department: Mrs. Do Thu Ha
Deputy head: Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen
Deputy head: Mrs. Pham Hoai Thu
Deputy head: Mrs. Trinh Thu Hoai, MB
5.2 Number of staff :
- For 1st Viet Duc : 76 staff: 04 Master, 01 Senior Officer, 54 Bachelor, 13 College, 04 Intermediate.
- For 2nd Viet Duc : 05 staff: 05 Bachelor
- Achievements:
Excellent collective reward:
2019: Decision no. 1753/QĐ-BYT on 17/05/2020
2018: Decision no. 1582/QĐ-BYT on 02/05/2019
2017: Decision no. 1915/QĐ-BYT on 22/03/2018
2016: Decision no. 891/QĐ-BYT on 15/03/2017
2014: Decision no. 1705/QĐ-BYT on 07/05/2015
2013: Decision no. 1374/QĐ-BYT on 22/04/2014
2012: Decision no. 954/QĐ-BYT on 25/03/2013
2011: Decision no. 1423/QĐ-BYT on 02/05/2012
2010: Decision no. 1109/QĐ-BYT on 18/04/2011
2009: Decision no. 1736/QĐ-BYT on 24/05/2010
Merits from Minister of MOH:
2019: Decision no. 3519/QĐ-BYT on 11/05/2020
2017: Decision no. 5726/QĐ-BYT on 26/09/2018
2013: Decision no. 723/QĐ-BYT on 03/02/2014
2011: Decision no. 927/QĐ-BYT on 27/03/2012
2009: Decision no. 1965/QĐ-BYT on 08/06/2010
2007: Decision no. 2075/QĐ-BYT on 09/06/2008
Merits from Prime Minister:
2013: Decision no. 2310/QĐ-TTg on 29/11/2013
2006: Decision no. 37/QĐ-TTg on 09/01/2006
3rd class labor medal:
2009: QĐ 479/QĐ-CTN on 01/4/2009