25% of brain stroke cases occur within young people

03/01/2020 07:19

Stroke in young people is increasing alarmingly: Nearly 50% increase in the past 12 years. Especially for those who abuse beer, alcohol, tobacco, abuse stimulants, “office obesity” status.


Brain stroke or can be called cerebrovascular accident, a condition where the blood supply to a part of the brain is disrupted or severely reduced, resulting in lack of oxygen and nutrition in that area. Each minute passes, nearly 2 million brain cells will die. If the brain cell area is seriously damaged or spread, stroke can lead to death or leave serious consequences for movement disorders, cognition, language, vision …


Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, MD, PhD – Chief of Neurology and Neuro Intensive care Deparmtnet, Viet Duc University Hospital shares: There are many causes of brain stroke, but stroke is common in people with diabetes (4 times the risk of normal people), hypertension (3 times the risk of normal people), disease cardiovascular (6 times), hyperlipidemia, obese people, sedentary, smoking a lot of cigarettes, abusing alcohol, addictive substances such as heroin, amphetamine, …


Brain strokes increase with age, it used to occur in the elderly, but today about 25% of strokes occur in young people. Stroke within young people is increasing alarmingly: Nearly 50% increase in the past 12 years. Especially for those who abuse beer, alcohol, cigarettes, stimulants, “office obesity” status.

Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, MD, PhD says: Although stroke is a fatal disease and high disability, we can prevent it by:

 Avoid risk factors with positive living habits: Do not abuse alcohol. Do not smoke or use stimulants, diet, hygienic, balanced substances, should eat plenty of green vegetables, fresh fruits, reduce salt, reduce fat, daily exercises, avoid excessive and prolonged nervous tension.


Control and manage diseases well: Diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease … by measuring daily blood pressure and periodic health check to have appropriate adjustment.


 In the treatment of cerebrovascular accident, it is necessary to pay attention to revascularization as soon as possible: By hemolytic therapy (rTPA) for patients with cerebral infarction who come to the hospital early in the golden hour (less than 4.5 hours after having a stroke) and taking blood clots by mechanical means (less than 6 hours after a stroke).


With cerebral hemorrhagic stroke, depending on the case, patients may be considered for surgery to remove hematoma, aneurysms clamp, removal of cerebral vascular malformations (if any).


In addition, it is necessary to reduce complications, find the cause of brain stroke to prevent recurrent stroke and neurological recovery by early rehabilitation (maybe right after the first 24 hours), because of relapse rate stroke in the first 5 years is 25%, meaning that 1 out of 4 stroke patients will have a recurrent stroke.


Therefore, people should pay attention to aggressive treatment to prevent recurrence of stroke. Positive lifestyle changes, appropriate diet, increased exercise, exercise and well-controlled risk factors for preventing recurrent brain stroke.


Besides, people should take periodic health checks to timely prevent the risk of this dangerous disease.


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