Stroke: “Golden time” in diagnosis and treatment

10/03/2020 07:29

On the 28th February 2020, Mr. N.V.T. (54 years-old) was transferred from Ninh Binh Province to Viet Duc University Hospital with a diagnosis of stroke.


Mr. T.’s family member shared that he had a history of mitral valve stenosis and atrial fibrillation without regular anticoagulation treatment. On the early morning of admission day, the patient presented a sudden loss of consciousness and fell down onto the floor. After receiving first-aid at a peripheral hospital, Mr. T. was transferred to Viet Duc University Hospital.

Cerebral CT scanner showed  thrombosis of the right middle cerebral artery

Mr. T. was hospitalized in a state of coma, left hemiparalysis and initially diagnosed as a cerebrovascular accident. Immediately, patient’s condition was notified to the stroke team and an emergency cerebral CT scanner showed an embolism of the right middle cerebral artery. A mechanical thrombectomy via arterial approach was performed at the 6th hour of stroke onset. After the intervention, patient presented a lot of progression on his paralysis of 3/5. An intensive medical treatment and rehabilitation were indicated soon to reduce the sequelae later.

Arteriography: embolism of M1 segment of middle cerebral artery

Revascularization of middle cerebral artery after the mechanical thrombectomy

Assoc. Prof. DONG Van He, MD., PhD. – President of ASEAN Neurosurgical Society, Director of Neurosurgery Center, Viet Duc University Hospital said that embolic stroke, without early diagnosis and timely treatment, could lead to severe sequelae affecting deeply to the patient’s quality of life and becoming a heavy financial burden for patient’s family and the society. 


Recommendations: Patient with suspicious symptoms of stroke needs to come to a reputable medical facility for timely examination, diagnosis and treatment in order to avoid severe sequelae later. To identify stroke, please remember “F.A.S.T” words  


F – Face: Facial drooping, crooked smile;


A-Arm: weakness or paralysis of arm and leg;


S-Speech difficulty;




If someone has one of three above listed signs, that people is at high risk of stroke, so it is the time to call for medical emergency and to go to a health facility with stroke team


Viet Duc University Hospital is one of the leading hospitals with fully equipped facilities and resources to save stroke patient’s life. Besides, patients with high risk factors such as arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking… were required for regular health check and following the therapeutic regimens from doctors.



Author: Social Work Department – VDUH




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