10 solutions for safe consultation & treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic at Viet Duc University Hospital
16/09/2020 07:54
1. Evaluating the safety of the epidemic prevention according to the Decision 3088/QD-BYT dated July 16th, 2020 about “Criteria for a safe hospital to prevent the COVID-19 and acute pneumonia ”, and reporting as a guideline of Medical Service Administration Department – Ministry of Health.
2. Strengthening measurements for controlling, screening, ensuring the safety in preventing the COVID-19 : to check body temperature right from the entrance, to follow the patient-flow, to keep distance between patients and their relatives when visiting the hospital, to conduct regularly disinfection of hospital environment
3. Early testing for SAR-CoV-2 for patients or health staff, who have a suspicious symptoms, including the cases with unclear epidemiology history for early detection and to quarantine isolation on time. Absolutely do not let the late detection.
4. Propagating, mobilizing, motivating and explaining to people to cooperate, proactively disclose an adequate health information, avoid stigma that causes psychological hidden risk factors.

People were checked health and consulted by doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
5. Promulgating SOP for consultation and treatment for surgical patients suspected of being infected with COVID-19 ; SOP for screening and treatment for a patient suspected of being infected with novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP).
6. Organizing the trainings on screening and treating for infected or suspected patients with COVID-19 for all health staff.

Doctors of Viet Duc University Hospital (VDUH) were practicing a consultation and treatment for a surgical patient of being infected with COVID-19
7. For inpatients, only one family member is allowed to stay in hospital in necessary case for helping patient and they were well monitored. During the pandemic, temporarily no one from outside is allowed to visits the patient.
8. Well prepared facilities, chemicals, medical supplies and timely implementing measurements to prevent the pandemic; arranging a isolated consultation and treatment well equipped all necessary medical supplies and medications for management of suspected or infected cases with COVID-19.
9. Through the web portal, hospital promptly updates the directions , information about the epidemic to all health staff, patients and patient’s family.
10. The hospital’s emergency hotline operates 24/24, ensure to receive all notifications about the epidemic.
For well preparedness, very clear assignment of mission with all synchronized solutions of professional, medications, medical supplies and the media, VDUH is ready to respond to the situations could be happened with COVID-19’s epidemic, ensures the safety for patient, health staff; and to minimizes as much as possible the impact of the pandemic into the hospital’s activities.
Until now, there is no suspected or infected case with SARS-CoV-2 happened in VDUH, people with any health problem could come to hospital for safe medical examination or treatment. However, everybody is required to wear a face mask, regularly wash hands and keep hand hygiene to protect themselves and community.
Everyone can book online consultation through HOTLINE 19001902 to save time.