3.0 Tesla MRI and CT scan 256 slice MDCT, 512 slice – A breakthrough in Imaging Diagnosis at Viet Duc University Hospital
16/07/2019 08:38
In order to match with requirement of high-quality treatment, advanced and modern technology application in diagnose and treatment, Viet Duc University Hospital will deploy 3.0 Tesla MRI and CT scan 256 slice MDCT, 512 slice to serve professional work of leading surgical hospital with full of specialties like Neurosurgery department, Digestive surgery department, Emergency abdominal surgery department, Hepato-Biliary Surgery, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Center, Urology Department, Organ transplantation center.
Advantages of CT scan 256 slice MDCT, 512 slices:
– Fastest capture rate, which biggest view of examination .
– Heart and coronary artery in beating heart .
– Easy to perform perfusion CT scan
– Reduce radioactive contamination up to 82% compares to previous technology but guarentee clear image quality
– Highest space resolution assists exact diagnose
CT scan 256 slice MDCT, 512 slice applications:
– Evaluate brain perfusion
– Evaluate coronary artery
– Evaluate cardiac function
– Evaluate of flow of blood to myocardium
– Perfusion multi-organ
– Vein analyse and automatically remove bone
– Evaluate function and lung lobes
– Automatically find and mark lung nodes
– Automatically liver lobes
– Virtual video colonoscopy
– Monitor cancer development
Advantages of 3.0 Tesla MRI machine:
– Wide-bore (70cm) 3.0T which high magnetic field uniformity
– RF 97 technology TDI channel allows images capture much clear
– Hyper Works images capture technology
– Multi Drive 4 gates makes images captured always sync together.
3.0 Tesla MRI machine applications to :
Neurology :
– MRI scan functions
– Capturing the nerve and resonating from the spectrum
– Capturing the complex nerves
– Resonance diffusing to small points
– Brain (perfusion)
Veins system without medicine injection
– Scan brain veins
– Scan kidney, limb veins
– Reduce of turbulence of soft tissues due to metal
– Cartilage injuries evaluation
Abdominal check
– Evaluation of fatty and ferritin liver
– Fast in capture damage images, breath freely
Breast check
– Scan breast both sides, software supports silicon evaluation
– Support biopsy
– Full-body MRI
– MRI scan evaluates shapes and functions
With a modern equipment system, high quality image solutions, contributing to enhancing accuracy in disease diagnosis and treatment; It helps to detect the disease, especially at an early stage and to diagnose the stage of the disease, to help plan treatment, to bring a better life to the patient.
Built in the early days of establishment of Hospital, Imaging diagnosis and nuclear medicine center – Viet Duc University Hospital has made a comprehensive diagnosis from conventional radiology, ultrasound, computerized tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, angiography, PET / CT scans with modern equipment, biopsy under the guidance of ultrasound and computerized tomography to serve the professional work of the leading surgical hospital.
In treatment of patients, the department has performed most of the electrolytic methods of intravascular intervention and vascular intervention.
In training, being the main practical training facility of Ha Noi Medical University, Medical Technical University I, Ha Noi Medical College, the department has participated in training specialized doctors at levels of Specialist I, Specialist II, Master’s degree, PhD and Bachelor of medical engineering specialized in Imaging diagnosis.
Imaging diagnosis and nuclear medicine center – Viet Duc University Hospital usually participate in carry out scientific researches projects at ministerial-level, government-level, hospital projects and it was presented in scientific research activities at hospitals and specialized congresses. Department is always a unit with many scientific reports in the specialized imaging diagnosis competitions of Vietnam National Association of Radiography and Nuclear Medicine, scientific cooperation with countries in the region and in the world especially with France, Germany, Australia, USA and South Korea.
From there are only a few simple conventional X-ray machines, the department has been fully equipped: Digital X-ray, color ultrasound, CT Scanner, magnetic resonance, X-ray circuit intervention system… On the one hand, it has played a huge role in improving the quality of diagnosis and treatment for patients. Additionally it has made Imaging diagnosis and nuclear medicine center – Viet Duc University Hospital become a quality training center for students, for specialists I and specialists II doctors , interns, masters degrees and graduate students, while improving the position of the Faculty at national and international level. |
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