4 lives revived from organs donated by a 34-year-old man, native of Yen Bai
14/05/2021 20:12
“My grandchildren had thrombocytopenic hemorrhage; many people donated blood to save him. Now that his father is unfortunately gone, there is no reason why I do not donate my son’s organs to save lives. That is the confession of Mrs. L.T.X, native of Van Yen, Yen Bai – who has just decided to donate her son’s organ tissue to revive the life of 4 people.
After his wife left when his son was only 10 months old, Mr. V.M.T, 34 years old, raised his son alone. He works as a freelance worker, every day his mother take care of and raise his son. While doing the construction, unfortunately he fell from 3 meters resulting a severe brain injury. He was taken to Yen Bai General Hospital for emergency. After that, the family transported him to Viet Duc University Hospital with a hope that “there is still a chance if any “. The doctors performed intensive resuscitation but miracles did not happen, the diagnosis showed that he was brain dead. Here, with the explanation from doctors about patient’s condition and sharing about patients waiting for organ transplantation to revive their lives, Mr. T’s mother decided to donate his organ tissue to save people. This humane act of her was agreed upon by her husband and her paternal family.

4 lives revived from the noble act of donating organs to save people of Mr. M.
From the donated organ source (including 1 liver, 1 heart, 2 kidneys) of Mr. V.M.T, Viet Duc University Hospital has performed transplantation and revived the lives of 4 patients suffering from dangerous illnesses, all 4 organ transplants after transplant are stable.

Ms. L.T.X shared about her decision to donate her son’s organs to revive life for others
Speaking about her action of donating the son’s organs, Mrs. X. shared, she regularly watched the program “Trai tim cho em – Heart for you “, she understood that organ donation is a very noble gesture, giving away means staying forever, she believes her son will understand his mother’s heart and support her decision.
We want to show the gratitude towards the organ donors, to the donor families, to mothers who suppress the pain when their son has an accident caused him to be a brain-dead to make the decision and donate organs to save lives, to leaves life with noble actions.