Exciting activities for celebrating the 90-year anniversary of the establishment of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26, 1931-26 /3/2021)
27/04/2021 15:13
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26, 1931 – March 26, 2021), on March 26, 2021, the Trade Union and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Viet Duc University Hospital held a tug of war.
Attending and encouraging the contest teams were: Assoc.Prof. Tran Dinh Tho – Vice Director of Viet Duc University Hospital; Assoc.Prof. Le Tu Hoang – Chairman of Hospital Trade Union; MSc. Bui Thanh Phuc – Secretary of Youth Union with the participation of 33 teams from all departments of hospital and a large number of youth union members cheering for this event.
Assoc. Dr. Tran Dinh Tho – Deputy Director of Viet Duc Friendship Hospital shared: After a long time joining with the whole country to fight against COVID-19, today, the youth union members of the hospital are able to join a new competition for health training. Wish all the teams can play confidently and win.
This is a sport activity organized annually by Trade Union – Youth Union of Viet Duc Friendship Hospital, creating a useful playground for medical staff and staff after stressful working hours.
The results of the 2021 tug of war are as follows:
1.Women’s team prizes:
First prize: Center of Anesthesia and Surgical Resuscitation
Second prize: Department of Emergency
Third Prize: Department of Infection Control
Consolation Prize: Department of Hospital Quality Management + Department of Nutrition + Nursing Bureau
2. Men’s team prizes:
First prize: Center of Anesthesia and Surgical Resuscitation
Second Prize: Department of Infection Control
Third Prize: Department of Emergency
Consolation Prize: Department of General Trauma Surgery
3.The Mixed Male and Female Prizes:
First prize: Center of Anesthesia and Surgical Resuscitation
Second prize: Center of Training and Direction of Health Activities
Third prize: Department of Lower Extremities Surgery
Consolation Prize: Department of Services on Demand
4. Style’s prizes:
– Center for Training and Direction of Health Activities
– Department of BioMedical Equipment
– Department of Diagnostic Imaging
– Department of Hematology and Tissue Bank.