Active support from Viet Duc University Hospital on the direction of healthcare activities for medical facilities

10/05/2021 14:21

En of March 2021, a delegation from Viet Duc University Hospital led by Professor TRAN BinhGiang, PhD., MD., Hospital Director visited and worked on the direction of healthcare activities(DOHA) with Thao Nguyen General Hospital, MocChau, Son La Province. 


Participating in the business trip were therepresentatives from Center of Training and Direction of Healthcare Activities, Center of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care, Department of Upper Extremities Surgery and Sport Medicine, Andrology Center, Department of Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery, Pathology Department. 


Overview of the working session


​Welcoming the delegation was Dr. NGUYEN Van Sy, 1st grade specialized doctor, Director of Thao Nguyen General Hospital and other representatives from services and departments of the hospital.


Thao Nguyen General Hospital, Moc Chau is a leading district hospital in Sơn La province in the deployment of professional services meeting the demand of health care and protection for people of all ethnic groups in Moc Chau, Van Ho and also Sôp Bâubelong Hủa Phăn province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic.


On the working session, the representative of Thao Nguyen General Hospital, Moc Chau gave a report about hospital’s DOHA as well as proposed expertise fields required support from Viet Duc University Hospital. “We desire to get support and help from leading experts of Viet Duc University Hospital for Thao Nguyen General Hospital in DOHA in order to improve the quality of healthcare for people here”, he said. 


After having the report from Thao Nguyen General Hospital, Moc Chau and a hospital’s tour, Professor TRAN Binh Giang, PhD., MD., Director of Viet Duc University Hospital shared that he highly appreciated the achievements on DOHA of Thao Nguyen General Hospital in 2020 as well as agreed with their 2021 plan and would give support in the form of specializedtechnical packages such as: hepatobiliary surgery, orthopedic surgery, digestive surgery, anesthesia and intensive care, imaging diagnosis… following 1816 program and project of teleconsultation on healthcare in 2021. However, to assure the effectiveness ofDOHA, it was required to supply some facilities and equipment for technical packages’ transmission. 


Professor TRAN Binh Giang, PhD. MD., Director of Viet Duc University Hospital

​A souvenir photo with the delegation


There, two facilities also signed the survey report. After finishing the business trip, Center of Training and Direction of Healthcare Activities, Viet Duc University Hospital will make plan to deploy the support for Thao Nguyen General Hospital in the best way. 


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