A 83-year-old man was happy to return home after more than 2 weeks stayed at the Covid-19 Intensive Care Center affiliated to Viet Duc University Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City.
13/10/2021 14:04
Mr. T.V.T, 83 years old, one of the oldest patients at the Covid-19 Intensive Care Center (ICC) affiliated to Viet Duc University Hospital (VDUH) in Ho Chi Minh City, was discharged after more than two weeks treated there.
Dr. Le Nhat Huy – who directly received and cared the patient on emergency said: He was admitted to the hospital with fatigue, already underwent one surgery with many underlying diseases such as: high blood pressure, mellitus diabetes… his breath was supported by oxygen with high-flow HFNC system for 2 days. After 16 days of intensive treatment, the patient had no cough, fever, shortness of breath, SARS-CoV-2 tests showed negative results consecutively; laboratory tests showed improved lung function, normal liver and kidney function. On August 31, the patient was discharged from the hospital and continued to be isolated for next 14 days at home as indicated. At the moment, we treat two patients, aged 86 years old with many co-morbidities. Every day, besides the medical treatments, the doctors and nurses spend time for cheering and encouraging the patient’s spirit in hoping that the patients are able to recover and soon return home.

The nurses of the Covid-19 ICC affiliated to VDUH for patients have well treated Mr. T by feeding him each spoon of porridge. Besides hygiene and feeding for patients, the doctors and nurses also encourage their spirit every day so that they can quickly recover.
Like Dr. Huy, other medical staff of VDUH had good memories when taking care this special patient. Mr. T is also known by his dear name – “83 Springs Grandpa“.
“In awe of the old man when he asked me if the canteen put chili in the porridge making it too spicy, but now the family is able to pick him up from the field hospital 13. We are so happy for this and called him “ 83 Springs Grandpa of N8 building” who has overcome Covid-19 amazing. From the ICU room, he overcame the death scythe, then his bright smile in the last days at N8 was even brighter when he greeted the medical staff to go home. Wishing him good health and peace and many more happy springs with his family!”, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thin – Nurse in the COVID-19 ICC affiliated to VDUH in Ho Chi Minh City shared.

On the day Mr. T was discharged, the medical staff of the COVID-19 ICC affiliated to VDUH in Ho Chi Minh City could not hide their happiness. Wishing him good health and peace and many more happy springs with his family!