A motorbike accident made a young man suffer complete avulsion of his ductus deferens and spermatic cord
15/04/2021 07:24
At 12 o’clock on March 25th, L.V.H, 21 years old, a native of Hoa Binh, was admitted to Viet Duc University Hospital (VDUH) due to a motorbike accident with multiple injuries: Traumatic brain injury, maxillofacial trauma, left groin wound. After examinating and doing necessary tests, doctors determined that his left iliac vein was torn, there were thrombus in his left external iliac vein and left femoral vein, avulsion of ductus deferens and spermatic cord.
Dr. Nguyen Huu Thao, Center of Andrology, VDUH, said: “The left spermatic cord is responsible for up to 80% of blood supply to the testicles, so if it is damaged, blood supply to the testicles will be reduced, possibly causing atrophy and affecting the patient’s fertility. In addition, the ruptured left ductus deferens cut off the sperm pathway coming out of the left testicle. The 21-year-old patient has had only one daughter, so surgery should be performed early to ensure reproductive health in the future.

Doctor Nguyen Huu Thao re-examining the patient after surgery.
The patient was operated on by a multidisciplinary surgical team. The cardiothoracic surgeons reconstructed the femoral vein, repaired the external iliac vein, afterwards the blood flow was good. The andrologists debrided and directly connected the left ductus deferens by 2-layer microsurgery technique. Due to the small diameter of the vessels and the ductus deferens (only 1mm), doctors had to use 9.0 and 10.0 microsurgery sutures with a surgical microscope with 10 to 20 times magnification to be able to clearly see and repair the injuries. This is the most advanced technique and can bring the highest success rate.
The eight-hour operation had finished successfully. After surgery, the patient was stable, the left leg could move, the skin of the inguinal area shows normal color, the ultrasound of blood vessels showed good flow to the testicles, the ultrasound showed no femoral vein thrombi. Currently, the patient is stable and has been discharged from the hospital.