A young man was seriously injured after the “click” sound during the grounding phase while playing football
21/07/2022 08:49
The sports that are most prone to injury are: football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, jogging, cycling… About 80% of injured people are between the ages of 20-35.
On June 16, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Manh Khanh, Vice Director of Viet Duc University Hospital, Head of Department of Upper Extremity Surgery and Sports Medicine said that doctors had just operated on 2 patients with serious sports injuries while playing football.
Among them, patient D.V.T. (33 years old, in Bac Ninh) had surgery due to anterior cruciate ligament rupture and meniscus tear. The patient shared that 2.5 months ago he played football, while grounding, he heard a “click” sound in his right leg with a sharp pain.

Young man seriously injured while playing football
“After that, I still walked normally, but when doing exercise strongly, my ankle was so painful, it was difficult to move the ankle joint flexibly. When I were examining in a local hospital, the doctors provided the rehabilitation for stability. However, after nearly 2 months of exercise, my leg condition did not improve so that I was referred to Viet Duc Hospital this time for treatment” – patient T. shared.
Assoc. Prof. Khanh shared that Mr. T. is one of cases were hospitalized in late. The patient was diagnosed with a knee injury, specifically anterior cruciate ligament rupture and meniscus tear, and required arthroscopic surgery. The patient was already operated, however, due to late intervention, his right leg manifested sign of atrophy, it’s smaller than the left side, the injured leg also loses muscle and has difficulty in stretching. Currently, the patient is indicated for rehabilitation after surgery.
The surgeons said that they have received and treated many patients with sports injuries, the most common ages are in group of 20-35 years old (up to 70-80%). The sports that are most prone to injury such as football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, resistance sports with dislocated shoulder, even jogging, cycling, yoga, aerobic ..
According to Assoc. Prof. Khanh, the patients with sports injuries are in different level severity, from minor to serious. At mild level, the patients have only manifestations as soft tissue swelling, pain, fatigue and discomfort … However, there are also serious levels causing a persistent, prolonged pain due to stretch of lateral ligament around the joint, rupture of tendon, ruptured the anterior or posterior cruciate ligaments of knee, or rupture of the ligament around the ankle …
Additionally, assoc. Prof. Khanh noted that for people who play sports, when they feel unusual pain after having played sports, they need to go to a medical facility soon. “In fact, many people suffer from injuries but subjectively only use a hot or cold compresses, apply bear bile, hot oil… when the pain lasts a long time before going to the hospital, it has left unfortunate complications such as secondary meniscal tear, wear of cartilage, shortening the life of joints… There have been many cases due to joint swelling, dislocation, pain and fatigue treated with herbal medicine, acupuncture, etc., making the disease worse.”
According to our experts, for sports injuries if not diagnosed and treated on time will become chronic and difficult to recover. If this condition is prolonged, impact the quality of life and affect the normal motor function of patients.
Therefore, when the patient has symptoms such as pain, loose joints, limited sports and activities, it is necessary to see a specialist for proper examination and treatment. In particular, the patient should not be subjective, self-medicate or use medicinal herbals of unknown origin applying to the wound, or massage. In some cases, it is very dangerous to go to healers to pull, straighten, and jerk, making it difficult for the doctor to treat later.
In order to reduce the risks of complication due to sports injuries and properly manage it, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on June 25, leading experts on orthopedic injuries will examine and consult for free on this issue.
Please register for an examination through the hotline 19001902 (Viet Duc University Hospital).