A young man with a dangerous tumor but thinks his stomach was big due to getting soft drinks
20/01/2021 07:15
Seeing his abdomen was a bit big but a young man only thought that this situation was due to his habit of drinking soft drinks then he didn’t go to the hospital to check it. Recently, he was diagnosed with a severe adrenal tumor.
Viet Duc University Hospital (VDUH) on Dec 28th, 2020 said that it had just received patient N.T.S. (22 years old), from Hai Duong province with a large and severe adrenal tumor. The patient said that he didn’t feel any uncomfortable, just saw his abdomen was big but only thought that this situation was due to his habit of drinking soft drinks then he didn’t go to the hospital to check it.
3 weeks ago, in a general health screening at his office, he was done an abdominal ultrasound and shown an abnormal large tumor. He visited several hospitals from district level to the centers, however no intervention was given. Recently, after a consultation at VDUH, doctors detected that the patient has a adrenal tumor on left site, big size (about 20cm) and indicate to remove it.

22 year old patient was operated on to remove the tumor
Dr. Bui Thanh Phuc, a doctor of Emergency Abdominal Surgery Department, VDUH, who performed the operation said that the patient N.T.S. had a large tumor, a big size (more than 10cm) to push the kidney down and invaded into other surrounding organs such as pancreas, spleen, abdominal aorta…, severe vascularization, that’s why could not perform a laparoscopic surgery. A tumor dissection has many risks such as bleeding, damages of nearby organs, increased blood pressure…
The doctors had performed an operation to remove a nearby invaded tumor, dissected a part of vena cava, maintained a surrounding organs and preserved the pancreatic and kidney functions. After more than an hour, the doctors removed the whole adrenal tumor. “This tumor was potential to be a cancer and if it was not remove prompt, will invade into nearby organs, leading to the bad prognosis no more indication for intervention” – Dr. Phuc confirmed.
Up to now, 6 days after operation, the patient has recovered well, can eat and walk as usual.