Accidentally putting her hand in a fruit blender, a 2-year-old girl had her hand crushed
15/04/2021 07:26
2-year-old N.T.M from Ha Noi had her hand crushed caused by putting it into a running fruit blender and was admitted to Department of Emergency, Viet Duc University Hospital (VDUH). Her mother said their family owns a juice stand and the accident happened while her father was not paying attention. The little girl’s family quickly rushed her to the hospital.

The pediatric patient had her hand crushed
According to Dr. Nguyen Hoang Quan, Department of Upper Limb Surgery and Sports Medicine, VDUH: “As soon as her admission, doctors quickly examined and diagnosed the patient with complex crushing lesions in her left hand: traumatic amputation of the index and middle fingers, tearing to the deep tendon of the ring finger, dislocation of metacarpo-phalangeal joint of the middle finger. Doctors performed an emergency operation: debridement of devitalized tissue, insertion of a Kirchner wire, reparation of the ruptured tendon, and reconstruction of the stump. 4 days post-op, the wound was dry, the middle, ring finger displayed warmth, pink color and good capillary refill. The patient was monitored and treated at the Department of Upper limb surgery and Sports medicine, VDUH”.

Dr Nguyen Hoang Quan, Department of Upper Limb Surgery and Sports Medicine, VDUH checking M’s X-rays.
Each day, VDUH receives dozens of domestic accident cases. Crushing injuries from putting hands in fruit blenders, meat grinders or textile winch dyeing machines, washing machines … are very severe. In most of these cases, the hand cannot be completely saved because of crushing mechanism. Moreover, children are often hyperactive and curious, they do not have the knowledge and skills to avoid such accidents. Therefore, adults need to be careful to follow safety instructions during use. If you or your children unfortunately encounter such accidents, you should immediately seek first aid assistance and quickly go to the nearest specialized medical facility for timely emergency treatment.