Consecutive serious injuries due to homemade firecracker exploded
25/01/2021 07:20
Viet Duc University Hospital’s (VDUH) doctors just received 2 serious injuries due homemade firecracker exploded.
The 1st case: patient H.V.D (Male, 41 years old, from Hai Phong city). While making a firecracker, it was suddenly explored, caused injuries to Mr.D. On January 7th, Mr. D was admitted to the hospital, alert, scratched his face; painful eyes, blurred vision; crushed 3rd, 4th, 5th right fingers, purple and cold finger buds ; There were soft tissue wound sized 5cm at metacarpal interspace between thumb and index fingers, other scratchy wounds at scrotum and legs. X-ray examination showed the bone fractures on 4th and 5th fingers of right hand.
The patient was operated on emergency, corrected the amputations of the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers, management of palmar hand and the scrotum wounds.
Now: the patient D is continuously monitoring and caring in the General Trauma Department, VDUH.

The doctors visited the patient H.V.D., male, 41 years old, from Hai Phong City
The 2nd case: patient N.Q.T (Male, 15 years old, from Hanoi)
Mr. N.Q.N, 42 years old – patient N.Q.T’s father said: on January 7th, T made a firecracker with a friend, while his friend scraped the powder from the matchbox, T. used that powder to burn. When the firecracker was exploded, only T. was injured and his friend was so lucky not injured. Right after, T. was transferred to a district hospital for the first aid and at 3 am on January 8th, and then transferred to VDUH.
Doctor Doan Le Vinh – General Trauma Department, VDUH said: the patient T. was admitted with the conditions: alert, swelling jaw, poor vision of right eye associated with right eyeball and socket injuries; crushed on 1st finger until bone of left hand, crushed on 2nd – 3rd fingers until to distal phalanx , crushed 4th finger to middle phalanx, complicated skin dislocation at palmar and dorsal hand. X-ray films showed the complicated bone fractures on left hand.
The patient was operated on emergency, corrected the amputation of 1st to the 4th fingers, management of skin wounds of palmar and soon after the operation transferred to the Ophthalmology Central Hospital for care of eye.
Before that, on January 5th, VDUH also received patient D.H.T. (male, 15 years old, from Hai Duong province), who got the multi-injuries because of the firecracker making. T. and a friend bought a powder to make a firecracker, it was suddenly exploded. He was transported to the hospital with multi-injuries on the right hand: crushed the 1st phalanx of the 3rd finger, the 3rd phalanx of the 1st – 2nd finger; on the left hand : crushed 5th finger. Besides, he also had other wounds at the palmar hand, ruptured finger tendon, soft tissue defect at interspace between thumb and index finger associated with wounds on right dorsal foot and many foreign bodies in.
Recommendations from doctors that making a firecracker is usually happened, especially at the early age of students. Thus, the authorities need to recommend both parents and schools to cooperate in making propaganda, education as well as preventive measurement to avoid the sequences for them in making and playing with the firecracker.