Crossing over 500 km to rescue many critical patients from serious traffic accidents in Quang Binh
25/08/2020 07:37

Emergency Team from Viet Duc University Hospital went to Việt Nam – Cu Ba Hospital in Đồng Hới for help to the serious road traffic accident. In Quảng Bình
After receiving information about a traffic accident that happened at 9:53 a.m. on July 26, on the western branch of Ho Chi Minh street, near Tra Ang Bridge’s area, about 10 kilometers from Phong Nha, in Bo Trach district, Quang Binh caused many deaths and injuries, Associate .Prof. Dr. Luong Ngoc Khue – Director of Medical Services Administration (Ministry of Health) has called directly through the hotline to direct the treatment and treatment of victims following the direction of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long – Interim Minister of Health Ministry.
Regarding the serious consequences of the accident, Associate Professor, Dr. Luong Ngoc Khue asked the Director of Viet Duc University Hospital to immediately send an Emergency Team to support the Vietnam – Cuba Hospital, Dong Hoi (Quang Binh). .
Instantly, the Director of Viet Duc University Hospital – Prof. Dr. Tran Binh Giang sent out the emergency team to provide professional support to Vietnam – Cuba Hospital, Dong Hoi, including: Dr. Tran Dinh Van – Department of Neurosurgery I, Dr. Duong Ngoc Thang – Department of Cardiology and Thoracic Surgery, Doctor Nong Thanh Tra – Center for Resuscitation and Anesthesia. Passing more than 500 km, at 2:00 am on July 27, the doctors arrived in Quang Binh and immediately started the emergency aid, received many serious patients in the intensive care unit with doctors from Hue Central Hospital and doctors. Vietnam – Cuba Hospital, Dong Hoi. The victims were:
»01 female patient, 47 years old, with blunt chest injury had left pleural drainage associated with blunt abdomen injury including liver injury grade II, spleen injury level IV, left kidney injury grade II. After that, the patient was transferred to Hue Central Hospital for the continuous treatment.
»01 female patient, 47 years old, with blunt chest injury had left pleural drainage associated with traumatic brain injury caused cerebral hematoma. The patient was consulted and continued to be treated at the ICU, Vietnam – Cuba Hospital, Dong Hoi (Quang Binh).

Dr. Tran Dinh Van, MD, department of neurosurgery I, Viet Duc University Hospital was examining serious patients at the ICU of Việt Nam – Cu Ba Hospital, Đồng Hới (Quảng Bình).
After that, the team of doctors from Hue Central Hospital moved to Hue Central Hospital while the team of doctors from Viet Duc University Hospital continued to treat 21 inpatients at Vietnam – Cuba Hospital, Dong Hoi due to the catastrophic traffic accident happened previously in which 01 patient needed to be perform emergency pleural drainage, that is: patient DINH, 47 years old who was hospitalized on the evening of July 26, 2020 in consciousness, mild pain in the right chest, shortness of breath. The patient was examined by doctors at Viet Duc University Hospital diagnosed the lung injury according to the findings on X-ray and CT scans in which there were pictures of right pneumohemothorax and atelectasis. The team from Viet Duc University Hospital has consulted and indicated that the pleural drainage must be emergency. After drainage, patient’s condition is stable, breathing is gone, lungs are well ventilated.
Doctors examined and consulted for the timely and properly treatment to patient
With the urgent and positive working spirit of many leading surgical doctors in Viet Nam , the doctors from Viet Duc Univeristy Hospital have already consulted lots of serious patients and gave timely treatment directions including guiding medical staff, patients, performing respiratory therapy for patients with chest trauma; putting into 3 standardized chest tubes and instructing doctors from Vietnam – Cuba Hospital, Dong Hoi to drain the pleura for the patient.

Dr. Duong Ngoc Thang – Department of vascular and thoracic surgery of Việt Đức University Hospital checked the patient
After saying goodbye and giving all the best wishes to the patients who have been being treated at Vietnam – Cuba Hospital, Dong Hoi (Quang Binh), the emergency team of the Viet Duc University Hospital moved to Hanoi at 22:00 on 27/7/2020 and the following day to continue the journey of medical examination and treatment at Viet Duc University Hospital.