Do not miss the opportunity for early intervention on certain congenital disorders in children
10/06/2020 15:41
10-year-old child (from Nam Dinh Province) suffered from congenital pectus excavatum since his early childhood but his family did miss a golden opportunity for intervention at the age of 3 – 4, leading to bad influence on his health and thoracic structure, making him be self-deprecating and shy in his life.

Hundreds of children were examining for free this morning
This is one among many cases who came for examination and consultation of congenital disorders / malformation at Viet Duc University Hospital in the morning of May 30th. On the first free examination day, nearly 100 cases from various provinces, cities were welcomed.
Dr. NGUYEN Viet Hoa, PhD., MD., Chief of Neonatal and Pediatric Surgery Department shared that a lot of congenital malformations of heart, extremities… could be diagnosed during pregnancy and treated at birth. However, it is very difficult to detect asymptomatic congenital genito-urinary deformities and treat them promptly in order to keep the organ function. Diseases like hydronephrosis, urinary infection… if long-lasting might affect the renal function leading to renal failure when grown up.
This morning, in only one first hour of examination, more than 10 children were indicated for a surgical intervention. Congenital malformation related disorders including pectus excavatum or carinatum, genito-urinary disorders, soft tissue tumor, extremity deformities, fingers… were detected. Numerous other pediatric patients their age not suitable for surgery have been scheduled for regular check at the department.
Especially, Dr. Hoa said that many children came with congenital malformation but their family still kept the old misconception of self-repairing when growing up.

Dr. Hoa was examining for a 10-year-old patient with pectus excavatum
Above-mentioning 10-year-old patient was not only timid, afraid of being shirtless but also always stooped down. He could not join in hard physical activities such as running, jumping, even climbing a staircase. His family had already known about his malformation since he was very small but because lacking of financial matter and they thought that it was not a big trouble for his son’s health so they waited until he grew up.
“For this disease, if the age of 3 – 4 is the best treatment time for patient with health problem. We have scheduled an operation for him in July” said Dr. Hoa.
During the consultation, there were a lot of pediatric patients with hypospadias. However, in many cases, family did not concern this malformation and even if known, they thought that early intervention was not necessary. “Urogenital malformation ranks at the 1st place among congenital malformations. Of which, hypospadias accounts for 1/300 boys. Early intervention might help to avoid risks such as urinary infection or changes of genital organs’ structure” recommended Dr. Hoa.
Instead of only one free consultation on pediatric congenital malformation, this year, Viet Duc University Hospital organized four free medical check on Saturdays every week from May 30th to June 20th to help hundreds of children for having timely treatment. Annual free consultation program is a chance for poor family to meet with leading experts on congenital malformations for the best surgical interventions if necessary. It is not only good psychologically but also able to bring normal function back to those pediatric patients from early age.
This program of free examination and consultation on common pediatric diseases is organized by leading experts like Dr. NGUYEN Viet Hoa M.D., PhD. – Chief of Neonatal and Pediatric Surgery Department, Dr. HONG Quy Quan M.D – Vice Chief of Neonatal and Pediatric Surgery Department and a team of pediatric doctors with many years of experience from Viet Duc University Hospital.
Joining to this program, children from poor family, ethnic groups , or from remote areas will be supported financially by Neonatal and pediatric surgery Department.
This program is organized in every Saturday from May 30th to June 20th.