Emergently surgery to save Covid-19 patient suddenly bleeding because of fistula from colon necrosis after surgery
13/04/2022 07:39
Recently, doctors of Viet Duc University Hospital have promptly performed surgery on emergency, saved a 46-year-old severe patient had Covid-19, intense bleeding through abdominal wall wound after surgery for colon.
2nd degree specialist, Dr. Le Nhat Huy, Vice Director of Colorectal and Perineal Surgery Center, Viet Duc University Hospital informs: Patient D.D.H was admitted to Viet Duc University Hospital by lower-level hospital for emergency with diagnostic of: Colon leaking after surgery associated with Covid-19 ‘s infection. 2AM of 14th March, patient sudden bleeding intensively through abdominal wall wound, and then started to be unconscious, tachycardia 120 beats/min, hypotension (70/40 mmHg). Immediately, surgical team in duty cooperated with anesthesia resuscitation doctors move patient to operation room with negative pressure system. The operation is performed after 30 minutes since patient has bleeding signs.

Doctors of Viet Duc University Hospital emergently surgery save Covid-19 patient suddenly intensive bleeding because of colonic necrosis after surgery.
“The patient was surgically sutured to stop bleeding from right gastric artery (due to an intra-abdominal abscess, necrosis and injury of the blood vessel). The surgeons have performed the colectomy of fistula part, cleaning abdominal cavity… After surgery, patient was transferred to the Covid-19 Patient Collection and Treatment Unit at Viet Duc University Hospital to continue mechanical ventilation and resuscitation for 3 days after surgery. With the dedicated care of doctors and nurses here, patient was able to withdraw the mechanical ventilation tube and transferred back to the Covid-19 patient treatment room at the Colorectal and Perineal Surgery Center to follow-up and further treatment”, Dr. Le Nhat Huy added.
Currently, with the number of Covid-19 cases reaching hundreds of thousands per day, the number of Covid-19 patients requiring emergency surgery has also increased. At the Emergency Department of Viet Duc University Hospital, every day there are Covid-19 patients who need emergency surgery, hospital has been completely proactive in receiving, giving first aid, emergency surgery, post-operative resuscitation and post-operative care and treatment of Covid-19 patients, ensuring flexibility as well as gradually turning Covid-19 disease into an general endemic disease and those requiring surgery in particular.