Esrablishment of Viet Duc college of medicine and eqipment
14/04/2022 08:17
Pursuant to Decision No. 1211 amending and supplementing a number of contents in Decision No. 265 dated February 15, 2007 and Decision No. 1300 dated August 18, 2017 of the Minister of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs on the establishment and renaming of the College of Biomedical Engineering and Decision No. 5854 on the reorganization of the College of Biomedical Engineering under the Ministry of Health into Viet Duc College of Medicine and Equipment under the Viet Duc University Hospital.
On March 30, Viet Duc University Hospital solemnly held a ceremony to announce the Viet Duc College of Medicine and Equipment. The representatives attending the ceremony were Mr. Do Xuan Tuyen – Deputy Minister of Health; Dr. Pham Van Tac – Vice Chairman of National Medical Council, Director General of the Board of Science, Technology, and Training, the Ministry of Health; Dr. Nguyen Hong Son –Director of Personnel Department, the Ministry of Health.

Mr. Do Xuan Tuyen – Deputy Minister of Health spoke at the ceremony
On the side of the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs, there was Mr. Tran Quoc Huy – Director of the Department Personnel, General Department of Vocational Education (Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs). From Viet Duc University Hospital, there were Prof. Dr. Tran Binh Giang – Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of Viet Duc University Hospital, along with the Board of Directors, leaders and staff of the Hospital.
Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Tran Binh Giang – Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of Viet Duc University Hospital said: Assigned the task by Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor – War Invalids and Social Affairs, the reorganization of the College of Biomedical Engineering into Viet Duc College of Medicine and Equipment will help the school and the hospital to develop together. Before that, this school with a history of development of 50 years had experience in training medical technicians. With a development history of nearly 120 year, Viet Duc University Hospital is the first hospital to provide the training and practice to Indochina Medical School. During the development, the hospital has always been a facility associated medical examination and treatment tasks with training and scientific research. The hospital’s experts are also good teachers. Prof. Dr. Tran Binh Giang hopes that in the coming time, the college staff will unite to try to overcome the difficult time, with the spirit of agility, the urgent working style of a special class surgical hospital to quickly prepare for important missions!

Prof. Dr. Tran Binh Giang – Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of Viet Duc University Hospital spoke at the ceremony