Good people- Good deeds: Sanitation worker found money that has returned to the patient
20/08/2021 07:19
Mrs. Vu Thi Tuyet, a worker of Hoan My company is currently working at Viet Duc University Hospital had a human action in which found a patient’s property that has returned to owner.
At 15:30 on 11 August, 2021, while doing hygiene cleaning duty at ER and Outpatient Clinic, Viet Duc University Hospital, Mrs. Tuyet had found a wallet under a chair for patients in this areas. When opening the wallet, Mrs. Tuyet saw a big amount of cash with personal ID. She re-told: “At that moment, I was shaken while calling for the manager to report the incident, the big amount of cash made me worried. During the pandemic, everyone has a hard time, yet losing money and many personal papers like this, I was only hope to return soon to the owner”. Immediately, Mrs. Tuyet with the manager take the money she found to report for lost-and-found counter.
Mr. Dang Nguyen Hong, from Northern Professional Security Protection Company informs: 12h on 11 August, 2021, when I was reported that Mr. Pham Hung Luong lost his wallet – patient comes for examination, security team has assisted on all aspects, by professional experty methods, reported to Hang Bong distric’s police and actively search for the patient. Until 15:30 same day, after receving the lost wallet that Mrs. Tuyet found, security staff and worker of Hoan My company proceed to hand back the wallet to Mr. Luong. There is around 17 million VND with many important personal papers in his wallet.

After receiving the wallet from Mrs. Tuyet who found it, security staff and worder of Hoan My company together hand back the wallet to Mr. Pham Hung Luong
Getting back the property that accidentally lost, Mr. Luong is overjoyed even though the worry is still clearly on his face. He shows his gratitude toward security staff and sanitation workder whom truly helped him.
In a case in which patient comes for examination with many worries, losing money, personal papers might cause patient to lose the chance of medical examination. Aside from strictly pandemic prevention methods still imployed in hospital, human action from Mrs. Vu Thi Tuyet, security unit will ensure the mental in order for each person who come to hospital in general and Viet Duc University specifically be more secured, feel safe to have medical examination during the pandemic.

Mrs. Tuyet feels at ease when the money has been returned to right person.