Having a long history of drinking alcohol, the patient broke both sides of the hip joint at the same time with just a slight fall
26/03/2021 07:26
Recently, Viet Duc Friendship Hospital has just received the case of NVT patients (54 years old) from Thuong Tin hospital with a broken hip joint. The patient said that he had been experiencing leg pain for 4 months, but during a visit at a central hospital, the patient was prescribed medical treatment, so he continued to suffer at home.
Recently, while looking after his grandson, he fell to the floor and immediately lost movement of his two legs. He went to the Viet Duc Friendship Hospital with a broken neck of his thighbone on both sides of a sterile trove of necrosis. Through patient exploitation, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Manh Khanh – Deputy Director of the Institute of Orthopedic Trauma, Head of the Department of Upper Chi Surgery and Sports Medicine said: Because the patient has a long history of drinking and smoking. It is one of the favorable factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis, block the blood vessels of the femur, and increase the risk of osteoporosis, so with just a slight fall, the patient has broken both sides of the hip joint at the same time .
According to Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Manh Khanh, fracture of both sides of the hip joint is a very rare and serious injury, especially on the background of aseptic necrosis, the bone can not heal, the patient can not sit up, stand. waking up or walking but having to lie in one place will lead to many complications such as: back ulcers, butt ulcers, heels in pressure areas; difficulty urinating, the patient must put on the urinary tract to cause urinary infection.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Manh Khanh surgery for the patient
Doctors performed the replacement of both sides of the hip joint at the same time. Doctors said that if you replace each side one by one, the patient will have to wait 1-2 weeks when one side after surgery has stabilized. Thus, the care time will be prolonged, the patient is still in pain and has to cope with complications due to long lying down, so the decision to replace both hip joints at the same time. The replacement of the hip joint at the same time requires very fast surgery, guaranteed anesthesia, adequate equipment, careful and careful post-operative monitoring and resuscitation to be safe for the patient.

Film photo of the patient before surgery

Film photo of the patient after surgery
After surgery, the patient continues to be monitored and treated at the Department of Upper Chi Surgery and Sports Medicine, Viet Duc Friendship Hospital. Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Manh Khanh said that after one day of surgery, the patient is expected to be able to sit up, after two days of surgery, the person can practice walking early with the support of crutches / support frames. The doctor further recommends: If the patient shows pain, it is advisable to go to reputable specialized facilities to detect the disease and give timely treatment directions, to avoid serious disease progression.