Healing wound care unit – Strengthening care for complex infectious traumatic wound Viet Duc University hospital
16/08/2019 11:53
Care and treatment of patients with trauma shows not only in the early stages, but also a long term to help the wound could be completed with heals, aesthetic aspect and function, and the patient could again join the normal life and work especially in younger patients.
Recent statistics show that every year Viet Duc University Hospital receives nearly 20,000 cases of injury, mainly due to traffic accidents. Among them were many cases injured to limbs, other parts of the body such as the face, chest, abdomen, .. have large wounds required surgical intervention on emergency as well as care after. Apart from the first intervention wound treatment, most cases remain open wounds on emergency management need special care after. When the healing is progressing smoothly, the techniques such as skin graft placement, vascularized free thickness skin graft are performed… But always in the hospital due to overcrowding, most patients when are stable have to transport to another hospital for further treatment. Thus leading to the care and treatment are not comprehensive, doctors did not know the results to adjust the better management with the other cases on emergency, the patient caught many procedures in place when referral.
With agreement of Prof. Tran Binh Giang, director of the hospital on the hospital-oriented development with extended the comprehensive patient care, and the situation of hospital shows that the departments of trauma centers and orthopedic are most overcrowded with patient, and many patients need to take care of the wound so it can affect the quality of care. The department of septic surgery recently has arranged an area to take care of patients with complex and infectious wounds, have very good results and highly appreciated.
Associate Professor Nguyen Duc Chinh, head of department, said: The care of wounds, particularly wounds trauma infected need to follow the correct process is effective, we have to treat the patients with complex and infectious wounds not only the traditional pathology we treat here as gastrointestinal pathology: gastrointestinal leakage, ostomy, pleural effusion and other infectious diseases …
The guidelines of the Ministry of Health mentioned that the patients need to be treated under standard process of Nursing care prescribed by MOH (Standard Capacity nursing Vietnam-Decision No. 1352 / QD-BYT, dated 21/04 / 2012- Minister of Health), including wound care.
According to Prof. Nguyen Duc Chinh, doctors, nurses were experienced of complex wound care with severe infections achieved good results and highly appreciated by colleagues and often cooperate in the treatment of patients as well as exchange of experience when transferring patients to other hospitals for further care.
To development of department, according to the orientation of the board of directors and the Party Committee, the septic department maintained the care of traditional pathologies ensuring that the patient is well cared for, offloading patients at the center of traumatology and orthopedic, the department of septic surgery has recommended receiving the patients with severe wound infection need special care to ward for treating.
When caring the patients with complex and severe infectious wounds, the health staff must strengthen ability and role. Beside that the department of septic surgery also noticed more responsibility to complete good duty of care and patient service, enhance the relationship with other departments.
Benefits to the hospital and department:
– Increase the number of patients treated at the department, strengthening professional work.
– Increase revenue of staff,
– Increased experience and exchange of expertise among departments.
– Enhanced facilities and equipment for the long-term development orientation.
– Deal overloaded patients in the center of traumatology and orthopedic
Towards the patient:
– Be a good and effective care, accelerate the wound healing,
– Reduction of cost of treatment due to not be transferred,
– Well counseling on disease and wound care.
Appreciation of achievement of department of septic surgery from this care, Professor Tran Binh Giang said: it was the correct orientation and hope that the department will develop a wound care center in the future, it’s the wound care unit at the moment. We will soon offer to the scientific council of the hospital to approve the official department deployed after the time trial.
Some pictures of wound cares.
Lê Văn C, 2 years old, complex and serious infectious wound due to motorbike accidents on leg. The heals was completed within one month of skin graft and care
Lý Thị Kh,45 years old, serious infectious due to open fracture of leg by motorbike accident. The skin graft has completed.
Trần Tuấn Anh / Department of septic surgery .