Health Check at Viet Duc University Hospital: No more concern for post-COVID sequelae
20/04/2022 07:46
The sequelae of Covid-19 caused many F0, after recovering for 2-3 months, have to go to the doctor, even hospitalized. Post-Covid-19 medical examination is necessary to detect the complications early and take preventive measures as soon as possible in order to minimize the risk of health damage.
Viet Duc University Hospital is a special hospital in many surgical specialties such as neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery, thoracic surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, gastroenterology, trauma surgery, orthopedics, spine, urological kidney surgery, pediatric surgery, maxillofacial plastic surgery, microsurgery as well as specialized for cancer diseases and is the leading facility in the country to successfully perform multi-transplantation for example: liver transplant, heart transplant, kidney transplant, lung transplant. At Viet Duc University Hospital, patients will be thoroughly examined by leading experts and given timely advice on health, and at the same time intervene early to avoid complications.

Expert gives advice to patients
Besides the specialized doctors, the hospital is also equipped with a modern equipment system: Siemens Avanto 1.5 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Machine, 3.0 Tesla MRI, 512-slice computed tomography system, New generation DSA 1-level digital angiography system, 32-row mobile CT scanning system in operating room evaluates complex diseases quickly with high reliability, accurately diagnoses cranial pathologies brain, maxillofacial, musculoskeletal, spine, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary; PET/CT scanner for early detection of primary, metastatic and recurrent cancer; clearly distinguish between benign and malignant tumors; cancer screening and screening.

CT Revolution 256 sequences / 512 slices at Viet Duc University Hospital
You should listen carefully to your body for a reasonable, timely intervention. For any the following signs might you have: chest tightness; short on breath; arrhythmia; insomnia… for a long time, you need to go to the hospital for examination and get advice from doctors. If the manifestations are moderate within the body’s tolerance level, you just need to eat and drink enough nutrients; healthy living; breathing exercises; gentle exercise, live optimistically and strengthen the body’s resistance .