Hospital introdution

27/11/2017 11:06


Viet Duc University Hospital was established in 1906, and named as “Hôpitalindigène du Protectorat in French”. With changing of the country’s history, the name of hospital was changed to Yersin Hospital (1943), Phu Doan Hospital (1954), Vietnam – Democratic German friendship Hospital (1958-1990), later it was shortened to Vietnam German Friendship Hospital or Vietnam German Hospital (until now).


As the approval by the Ministry of Health in 2015,the Hospital has 1300 planned beds. Until 30/06/2016, the Hospital has more than 1900 staff which include 06 Professors, 27 Associate Professors, 37 Doctors in PhD level, 06 Specialized doctors at degree 2, 184 Master of doctors and residents, 05 Specialized doctors at degree 1, 41 physicians, and 573 other staff.


In 2015, the hospital was ranked to “The OutstandingSurgical Hospital” according to the Decision number 1446/QD-BNV dated September 21th, 2015 of Ministry of Internal Affairs.Thus, Viet Duc Hospital was the first outstanding specialized hospital in Vietnam. In the same year, the Hospital was assigned to be a self – financed hospital by Decision 1424/QD-BYT dated April 17th, 201 of Ministry of Health.


Hospital’s structure organized is divided into 3 pillars. The administrative and logistic block includes: Hospital director board, Education and Direction of Health Activity center, 11 functional departments. Clinical block includes: Institute of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery center, 07 different surgical centers and 20 different clinical departments. Para-clinical blockincludes: 08 departments, 01 Blood transfusion center; 01 Pharmacy.


Hospital’s Communist Committee consists of 12 sub-committees and over 200 members. The Unions as well as Communist Youth Union were established in 1985.


Viet Duc university hospital was assigned by Ministry of Health for 9 important missions:

1. Medical services to patients

2. Scientific research

3. Education

4. DOHA – Direction of Health Activity.

5. International cooperation

6. Preventive medicine

7. Hospital qualification management (Accreditation)

8. Hospital management

9. Other missions regulated by Ministry of Health


Dr. Pham Phuc Khanh translated

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