Increasing stroke in young people: What warning did the doctors from Viet Duc University Hospital warn ?
10/12/2020 08:11
Stroke happened in people under 45 years old is defined a stroke in young person. Abusing alcohol, tobacco, fried food and inactivity cause an increase of stroke in young people.
Professor TRAN Binh Giang, PhD., MD. – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital shared at the launch ceremony of Stroke Unit, Department of Neurology and Neuro-Intensive Care in the 25th November in Hanoi.
According to Professor TRAN Binh Giang, PhD., MD., Vietnamese disease pattern has been changing from infectious, tropical diseases to new one including mostly metabolism related troubles like hypertension, diabetes, lipid disorders… One of the consequences is the increasing rate of cerebral vascular accident, stroke in younger people.
According to the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, there are about 200.000 stroke cases per year. It is worrying that beside non-infectious diseases, the rate of stroke is increasing quickly and among them, nearly one third is young people (from 40 to 45 years old).

Professor. TRAN Binh Giang gave speech at the launch ceremony of the Stroke Unit, Department of Neurology and Neuro-Intensive Care.
According to Professor TRAN Bình Giang, PhD., MD., without timely and proper treatment, the patients with stroke could be affecting from serious consequences. Many patients could over come the stroke however it left severe sequelae became burden for their family and the society because they were paralyzed and not able to work and to walk, so early treatment of stroke is very important issue.
“In young people, abusing alcohol, tobacco, intake fate and fried food, fast food, stimulants and sedentary lifestyle might make the atherosclerosis increased and developed so quickly. Many people with metabolism troubles such as glucose and lipid disorders, elevated liver enzymes… have the atherosclerosis at an early age. Atherosclerosis in young people is an important cause of cerebral vascular injuries in stroke” explained by Professor TRAN Bình Giang, PhD., MD.
The treatment of stroke requires a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) including Neurology, Neuro-Intensive Care, Surgery, Vascular interventions. Cardiology, Rehabilitation…
“Causes of an increasing rate of stroke in young people are not only congenital vascular malformation but also unhealthy lifestyle. Young people nowadays abuse drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, eating fried food with unwholesomeness in life… This lifestyle make the rate of atherosclerosis increased so fast, so early and became an important cause of cerebral vascular accidents.” Professor TRAN Bình Giang, PhD., MD said.
So, people were advised to keep a moderation in living and eating regime with regular physical training.
According to Professor TRAN Bình Giang, PhD., MD., with stroke, early hospitalization is playing a very important role for proper treatment. In 6 first hours since the onset of clinical symptoms is valuable time to treat and rehabilitate with the best results. So, patients need to be brought to the medical facilities who are able to handle this trouble as soon as possible. People need to identify the first early warning signs of stroke and move the patients as quickly and safe as possible to a specialized treatment unit.
Dr. NGUYEN Anh Tuan, PhD., MD. – Chief of Department of Neurology and Neuro-Intensive Care, Viet Duc University Hospital shared that before, Viet Duc University Hospital was well known as a surgical facility but nowadays, the hospital has developed the internal medicine in order to meet the demands of comprehensive care for stroke.
With stroke, geographical factor is very important because in an emergency cases and the time is gold. Early treatment gives chance to the patients for good recovery.
“The launch of Stroke Unit of Department of Neurology and Neuro-Intensive Care is a factor to complete in specialties for comprehensive care for patients and they do not need to be transferred to another hospital. Because in the treatment of stroke, the golden time is when the patients get early to emergency care and be avoiding multiple referrals among medical facilities as a factor for quick recovery ” told Dr. NGUYEN Anh Tuan, PhD., MD.

Rehabilitation for a female patient in the Department of Neurology and Neuro-Intensive Care, Viet Duc University Hospital.
The establishment of the Stroke Unit is the basement for coordinating and implementing high-tech procedures in the diagnosis of neurology, vascular diseases…
Stroke patients admitted to the hospital will be cared by the best specialists in neuro-surgery with the state-of-art microscopy techniques, awake surgery, robot assisted surgery, rehabilitation… and the most advanced devices and systems for diagnosis and intervention in Vietnam, today.