Multi- online channel of customer care center in Viet Duc University Hospital: Professional service style, improving patient satisfaction.
30/01/2023 10:09
Viet Duc University Hospital is in special category of surgical treatment, a leading center of medical examination and treatment, training, scientific research and medicine. From January 1, 2018, the Customer Care Call Center 19001902 of Viet Duc University Hospital has been put into operation, applying modern and advanced technologies, recording and answering patients, registering for medical examination and treatment on-demand services to meet the needs of patients, and received positive feedback from community.
Understanding the needs of customers who always want to access medical services provided in the fastest, most accurate and scientific way. At the same time, reduce administrative procedures as well as waiting time, limiting the concentration of too many people at a time causing insecurity at the Hospital, the online customer care center of Viet Duc University Hospital has launched with technology applications modern, advanced and run by a team of professional, dedicated and thoughtful consultants.
Along with a professional customer care team, the Center meets the requirements of customers such as:
– Receive customer feedback about the hospital’s services; Ensure the patients are supported on time; Make sure the patient arrives for rechecking on time.
– Promptly answer questions and handle inadequacies during the patient’s medical examination
– Guide and support administrative procedures;
– Consultancy on medical examination and treatment services;
– Make an appointment for a medical examination, reduce the waiting time when visiting the doctor;
– Absolute confidentiality of information;
– Support patients who missed calls to the switchboard quickly and conveniently;
– Increase the number of patients registering for online medical examinations.
The multi- online channel of customer care center (customer care, fan page, website, Zalo, TikTok, youtube, …) marks a new step for Viet Duc University Hospital in approaching and taking care of customers; helping to increase the number of people making medical appointments, consulting and guiding administrative procedures, consulting experts, and providing medical examination and treatment services at the hospital; attracting more patients to the hospital through digital technology application platforms; improving the quality of utility services at the hospital, show a professional service attitude, meet the needs of patients when coming for medical examination and treatment, towards patient satisfaction.
To book a medical examination, consult administrative procedures, expert advice, and medical examination services at the hospital, please scan our contact code for support as follows:
Customer care call center: 19001902
Website: www.benhvienvietduc.org
Fanpage: facebook.com/bvvietduc
Zalo Offcial: zalo.me/benhvienvietduc
Youtube: www.youtube.com/benhvienvietduc1906
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@bvvietduc
Department of Social Work