National Scientific Conference on Surgery and Endolaparosurgery 2021 has successfully taken place
10/01/2022 08:11
Going through many historical phases of country, Vietnam Association for Surgery and Endolaparosurgery (VASEL) formerly known as Vietnam Society of Surgery (VSS) and Vietnam Association of Endo-laparoscopic Surgeons has been constantly developing. Recent generations of surgeon are formally trained, inherited the glorious tradition from ancestors, together united, improve self-discipline, passion for learning, exploration and creativity in work, research and deploy many new specialties, successfully implemented surgical advance techniques with modern equipment that were updated, contributed to protect people health and build a more developed Vietnamese medicine.
National Scientific Conference on Surgery and Endolaparosurgery 2021 took place from 10-11/12/2021 at Ariyana Convention Center, 107 Vo Nguyen Giap str., Khue My Ward, Ngu Hanh Son Dist., Danang City with the combination of both offline and online form (hybrid). This is an opportunity for surgeons from many sites of country to meet, exchange one’s experience in surgical field, also an occasion for expert to share, update achievements as well as the advancement of surgery in area and international.
At this conference, gathers more than 237 qualification scientific reports of 21 in-depth specialties of researchers, doctors and nurses, technicians nationwide (170 reporters participated offline and 67 reports participated online). At the same time, there are participation of over 130 turns of Mr/Ms. Chairperson of the delegation that were Professors, Associate Professors, PhDs in the fields of Surgery, Imaging Diagnosis, Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Nutrition … Especially, at the overview report session, there are 04 topics:
– “Role of surgery in multiple modalities of treatments for colon cancer ” by Prof. Pham Nhu Hiep – Director of Hue Central Hospital, Vice President of VASEL.
– “Advances in thyroid surgery and existences” by Ass. Prof. Tran Ngoc Luong, former Director of National Hospital of Endocrinology.
– “Digital transformation in training – researching and surgical quality improvement” by Ass. Prof. Bui My Hanh – Director of Training Course Development and Medical Personnel Consulting Center – Hanoi Medical University.
– “Nutrition in strengthen treatment for surgical patients” by Dr. Luu Ngan Tam – MD, PhD, Head of Nutrition Department – Cho Ray Hospital.
Continuing the traditional from previous years, VASEL Conference 2021was held with many specialties like gastrointestinal, urology, orthopedic, cardiovascular – thoracic, aesthetic, organ transplant, obstetric, pediatric, … Towards international integration in medicine, the conference has a scientific report session using English language.

Towards international integration in medicine, the conference has a scientific report session using English language.

VASEL Conference 2021 is held with many specialties like gastrointestinal, urology, orthopedic, cardiovascular – thoracic, aesthetic, organ transplant, obstetric, pediatric
Speaking at the conference, Prof. Tran Binh Giang – MD, PhD, President of VASEL said: Together with the development of Scientific technology, surgical major also develops in many key specialties, and from Vietnam Society of Surgery and Vietnam Association for Endo-laparoscopic surgeons has been established many specialized associations, significantly contributes to the growing of Viet Nam medical, in general. From within, Endolaparosurgery nearly covers all technical areas of surgery and until now, the surgeons must be both a surgeon and a laparoscopic surgeon, so the trend for laparoscopic surgery to return to the common surgical home is an inevitability. In order to improve the qualifications of medical professionals and doctors at different levels, prioritizing and focusing on training, VASEL seriously performs the tasks in advising and contributing ideas to the development of policy for surgery in general and endo-laparoscopic surgery in particular. From there, people are the recipients of the best destinations in medical examination and treatment.

Prof. Tran Binh Giang – MD, PhD, President of VASEL was speaking at the conference
In order to organize the conference safely, ensure epidemic prevention requirements, organizing committee worked best, cooperated with Da Nang Health Department, Da Nang Hospital organize National VASEL Conference 2021, propose Covid-19 pandemic prevention plan during the conference. Implement strict measures, comply with regulations on epidemic prevention and control of the Ministry of Health, Hanoi City and Da Nang City, strictly comply with the spirit of Resolution 128 NQ-CP of the Government on the prevention and control of epidemics. Safely adapting, flexibly, effectively controlling the Covid-19 pandemic, bringing life back to New Normal Situation.