New specialized techniques in surgery and laparoscopic surgery in Vietnam are gradually improved
25/11/2020 11:45
New specialized techniques in surgery and laparoscopic surgery in Vietnam not only contribute to caring, health protection for community and build an advance medical background, but also prove to the world that the degree of Vietnamese surgeons is equal to other nations …
Above mentioned was emphasized by Prof. Tran Binh Giang – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital, President of Vietnam Surgical Society, The Vietnam Association of Endolaparoscopic Surgeons at the opening ceremony of National VSS and VAES Conference 2020, takes place from 13/11 in Ninh Binh province.
The conference starts from 12/11 until 14/11. It is a prestige scientific forum in which organized annually in order to exchange and sharing experience of nearly 1.000 professors, PhD, doctors, nurses and both civil and military medical facilities. At the conference, there were 320 representative reports specialized in surgery and laparoscopic that chosen and about 300 domestic and international speakers participated.

Prof. Tran Binh Giang – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital, President of Vietnam Surgical Society – VSS and The Vietnam Association of Endolaparoscopic Surgeons – VAES
The conference was organized with many specialties like Digestive, Urinary, Neurology-Cranial brain, Trauma-Spinal, Cardiovascular-Thoracic, Aesthetic-Plastic Surgery, Organs transplantation, Pediatric, Interventional X ray, Endoscopy and laparoscopic surgery, Nursing.
Because of COVID-19 pandemic complicated situation, in 3 general reports of the conference, there is a report that shall connects online with Singaporean experts: Prof. Davide Lomanto – National University of Singapore (NUS); Director of Minimally Invasive Surgical Centre (MISC) and KTP Advanced Surgery Training Centre (ASTC) – National Singapore University Hospital (NSUH).
Besides scientific reports, one of the main activities of this conference is pre-training in various specialties, such as: Digestive, Urinary, Orthopedic and trauma with topics: Surgical treatment of inguinal-wall herniation; Laparoscopic surgery reconstructs the pre-knee ligament of the ligament; Small tunneling subcutaneous kidney stones under ultrasound guided laparoscopic surgery. The participants will receive Continuing Medical Education (CME) after finishing the training course.
Informing to the press, Prof. Tran Binh giang – MD, PhD said, Vietnam Surgical Society was established in 1962, the first President was Professor, Academician Ton That Tung. Going through 60 years of establishment, the Association develops and improves specialties, owning many high techniques …, not only contribute to caring, health protection for community and build an advance medical background, but also prove to the world that the degree of Vietnamese surgeons is equal to other nations.
With the growth of the current Vietnam Surgical Society, the specialties of VSS have been established. Up to now, many specialized associations have been formed, developed and become strong associations.

Prof. Tran Binh Giang with colleagues perform a surgery
In the last prorogue (2015-2020), the Association had cooperated with different specialized Associations like The Vietnam Association of Endolaparoscopic Surgeons, Vietnamese Neurosurgical Society, Vietnamese Society of Pediatric Surgeons, Urology Association … held continuous training according to specialties for surgeons in country, transfer techniques to provinces in Project 1816 of Ministry of Health, expanding transfer many techniques to other countries, especially within Pacific Asia: Laos, Philippines, Indonesia. Malaysia, India…
“In our country, until today, all of the hospital at provincial level had divided Surgery department into specialty departments in order to develop deeply and on first hand can implement high techniques in diagnosis and treatment, meet the needs from patients, and reduce overload for National level hospitals. Many provincial hospitals have owned complicated techniques of intensive surgical specialty like cephalic duodenopancreatectomy resection, esophagectomy, kidney endoscopy, high-tech lithotripsy, heart-lung surgery, brain tumor surgery, even district hospital in mountainous areas like Dong Van-Ha Giang has performed many difficult surgeries”- Prof. Tran Binh Giang, MD, PhD emphasized …
The Vietnam Association of Endolaparoscopic Surgeons was established in 2005. In the last prorogue (2015-2020), 3 largest Endolaparoscopic centers nation wise (Northern, Central, and Southern) had successfully organized 237 endolaparoscopic training course from basic to advance with total amount of training attendees of nearly 3500.
Just like Vietnam Surgery Society, The Vietnam Association of Endolaparoscopic Surgeons has principles, purposes and equivalent functions, is the specialty of surgery.
Besides that, over last few years, the activities of VSS and VAES as a united group, every activity of 2 groups always stand along, colleagues from in and out of country really appreciate.

Executive committee VSS and VAES period 2020 – 2025
Implementing the policy of the Party and Government in order to streamline the management apparatus, concentrate resources for development, and unify the work of advising, directing and improving the performance of Association and related documents, afternoon of November 13, representative of the Ministry of Interior announced the Decision No. 948 / QD-BNV of the Minister of Interior – November 9, 2020, on allowing the merger of VSS and VAES became The Vietnam Association of Surgery and Endolaparoscopic.
At the first VSS and VAES conference, the executive committee period 2020-2025 was established and organized the first meeting: Standing committee voting, President, Vice president, General Secretary and other occupations in the Examination committee voting. Prof. Tran Binh Giang, MD, PhD was voted as President of VSS and VAES.