On the occasion of the 74th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s appeal for patriotic emulation 11/6/1948 – 11/6/2022, Viet Duc University Hospital has organized a journey to the source
21/07/2022 09:05
On the occasion of the 74th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s appeal for patriotic emulation (11/6/1948 – 11/6/2022), the Party Committee, Director Board, secretaries of affiliated parties and key staff of Viet Duc University Hospital leading by Prof. Tran Binh Giang – MD, PhD – Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of hospital paid a visit “Return to the source” to Special national relic site Tan Trao, Tan Trao village, Son Duong distr., Tuyen Quang province.

Prof. Tran Binh Giang – MD, PhD was speaking at the Flower Offering Ceremony on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s appeal for patriotic emulation (11/6/1948 – 11/6/2022),

Viet Duc University Hospital delegation was at the Flower Offering Ceremony on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s appeal for patriotic emulation (11/6/1948 – 11/6/2022)
The delegates visited and offered incense at the historical site of Na Nua shack. At the simple Na Nua shack on the historic Tan Trao sacred land, center of the Capital of Liberation Zone, the Capital of the Resistance, Uncle Ho lived, worked and together with the Central Committee of the Party, led the people to conduct the Revolution in August 1945 that was successful, established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, opened a new era in the nation’s history, the era of national independence associated with socialism. During the resistance war against the French colonialists, Uncle Ho returned to Tan Trao, Tuyen Quang, together with the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, and the Government to live and work to lead the entire army and our people to conduct the long-term resistance war. ended with the Dien Bien Phu victory “splendid in five continents, shaking the earth”, creating a turning point of great historical significance for the Vietnamese people.

The delegates visited and offered incense at the historical site of Na Nua shack

Prof. Tran Binh Giang, Director of hospital and Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Manh Khanh, Vice Director of hospital planted Truong Sa Barringtonia asiatica at the historical site of Tan Trao, Tuyen Quang.

Delegates participated in planting Truong Sa Barringtonia asiatica at the historical site of Tan Trao, Tuyen Quang.
On behalf of more than 2500 staff of Viet Duc University Hospital, Prof. Tran Binh Giang – MD, PhD, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of Hospital emotionally shares: Collective of more than 2500 physicians, staff and employees of hospital vowed to continue promote wisdom, knowledge, the solidarity that united to build and develop a hospital that worth of an intensive medical facility, meet the trust of the Party, the State, Health Sector and people.

Prof. Tran Binh Giang, the secretary of the Party Committee, Director of hospital on behalf of the Party Committee, Director Board and more than 2500 staff of Viet Duc University Hospital wrote on guestbook.

Collective of more than 2500 physicians, staff and employees of hospital vowed to continue promote wisdom, knowledge, the solidarity that united to build and develop a hospital that worth of an intensive medical facility, meet the trust of the Party, the State, Health Sector and people.
Same day morning, experts from Viet Duc University Hospital visited and performed direction activities at Tuyen Quang Provincial General Hospital. During the visit, the delegates conducted survey, evaluated facility, present equipment (specialized in Surgery, Resuscitation, Imaging Diagnosis) and the ability to receive package techniques of Tuyen Quang Provincial General Hospital (human resources, equipment…) according to project 1816 and Telemedicine project; Check on the hospital’s direction activities and operation plan in 2022.

Experts of Viet Duc University Hospital had a visit and work on direction activities at Tuyen Quang Provincial General Hospital

Representative of Tuyen Quang Provincial General Hospital, Mr. Pham Quang Thanh, Director of hospital handed flowers to Prof. Tran Binh Giang, MD, PhD – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital for thankful the supports in training and direction activities.

Health staff of Tuyen Quang Provincial General Hospital were trained ‘hand on training) by Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Manh Khanh, Vice Director of Viet Duc University Hospital, Head of Upper Extremities and Sport Medicine Department about orthopedic trauma through patients’ examination.

Experts of Viet Duc University Hospital evaluated, surveyed, directed at Tuyen Quang Provincial General Hospital