Opening celebration of Viet Duc college off medicine and equipments for school year 2022 – 2023
23/11/2022 09:01
Joining the enjoyable event across the country with the Education Sector in organizing the Opening Celebration of the new school year 2022 – 2023, on October 10th, 2022, teachers and students of Viet Duc College of Medicine and Equipment solemnly held a very special Opening Celebration for the new school year after a period of interruption of learning and teaching caused by COVID-19 pandemic. At the historic Ton That Tung Hall of Viet Duc University Hospital, they all together shared their determination, faith and hope for a new journey in educating and learning.
Attending the Opening Celebration, on the side of the Ministry of Health were Mr. Do Xuan Tuyen – Deputy Secretary of the Party Personnel Committee, Standing Deputy Minister of Health; Dr. Nguyen Minh Loi – Director of the Department of Equipment and Construction – Ministry of Health; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tuan Hung – Deputy Director of Personnel Department – Ministry of Health; Dr. Nguyen Van Quan – Deputy Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Training – Ministry of Health.
The guest also was Mr. Nguyen Xuan Binh – Chairman of Vietnam Medical Equipment Association.
On the side of Viet Duc University Hospital were Prof. Tran Binh Giang MD. PhD- Director of Viet Duc University Hospital, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Tien Quyet – Former Director of Viet Duc University Hospital and the Hospital’s Board of Directors, leaders of departments and centers in the hospital.
Representative of Viet Duc College of Medicine and Equipments were Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Manh Khanh – Rector; MSc. Tran Thi Hong Tham – Vice Rector; MSc. Nguyen Huu Tu – Vice Rector together with teachers and students have participated this event.
On the occasion of the Opening Celebration of the new school year of Viet Duc College of Medicine and Equipments, on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Do Xuan Tuyen – Deputy Secretary of the Party Personnel Committee, Standing Deputy Minister of Health was addressing thanks to the leaders of the Central ministries, departments; to agencies, units, academies, schools, hospitals; to the Party committees, authorities and local people for supporting to Viet Duc College of Medicine and Equipments over last years. At the same time, Mr. Do Xuan Tuyen sincerely hopes that in the coming time, the College will receive more attention and help from them.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Manh Khanh – Rector of the College shared: Through nearly 50-year journey of establishment and development, the College has often received the attention and support of the leaders of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, of the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of Viet Duc University Hospital, with the efforts of generations of staff, lecturers and students. The College has enrolled and trained nearly 15,000 students in health sector as well as in society, of which 6278 are formal and connected students; 6337 students follow regular and continuous training programs and thousands of students follow the schemes and projects of the Government, the Ministry of Health… In particular, in 2022, the school opened 4 more disciplines and enrolled more than 150 students (Nursing, Laboratories; Medical Imaging and Rehabilitation). With the positive signals as well as the quality and reputation, Viet Duc College of Medicine and Equipments in the coming years will enroll sufficient number with more than 1000 students according to the license of the General Department of Vocational Education. The results achieved in the past years are still very modest, but it has a very important meaning, affirming that the direction of the school is right, and the most important thing is solidarity and determination for the innovation of teachers, staff and students. This is a fundamental advantage that helps us confidently enter a new period and new school year with the theme of “continuing to innovate management, improve training quality and promote the emulation movement of good teaching and learning“; constantly increasing investment resources for the school to continue to develop.
Prof. Tran Binh Giang – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital said: With the position of a leading special hospital in Surgery along with the strength of the school in the school year 2022 – 2023, it is recommended to the College Director’s Board thoroughly understand the requirements and tasks of the health sector in the new normal condition of the COVID-19 pandemic; well implement the resolution of the XXIX Viet Duc University Hospital Party Congress to develop synchronous policies and solutions to promote the sense of responsibility and wisdom of all officials, lecturers, employees, students in the College at the same time make the most of all resources to successfully carry out the mission of this school year.