Post-Covid-19 health examination at Viet Duc University Hospital: Fast, specialized, economical and qualified services
20/05/2022 14:07
Understanding the Post-Covid-19 syndrome could affect significantly the patient’s life and psychology, Viet Duc University Hospital develops a POST-COVID-19 HEALTH EXAMINATION PACKAGE to assess, diagnose, treat and prevention of risk factors that may occur in the future for patients.
The Post-Covid-19 clinic is deployed at the Clinic room No.2 in the medical examination on demand area of Viet Duc University Hospital. Separate and comfortable examination area with a spacious and clean clinic system, complying with the instructions of the Ministry of Health on disease preventions, deploying a team including high-quality doctors of multi-specialties: Respiratory, Cardiology, Neurology, Digestive surgery, Spine surgery, Rehabilitation… who had experienced in treating and caring Covid-19 patients. Along with that, the hospital has deployed the modern equipment, ensuring the accuracy and comprehensiveness of diagnoses, applying information technology and electronic medical records (EMR), bringing convenience to patients, improving patient satisfaction when coming to the hospital.
According to the World Health Organization, the post-Covid-19 state appears in a typical patient about 3 months after being infected. These symptoms are usually manifested last for at least 2 months and not explained by other medical conditions, including:
– Systemic symptoms: Persistent fatigue, weight loss, restlessness, feeling of poorer health than before, or sweating.
– Respiratory symptoms: Dry cough that lasts continuously, chest tightness, shortness of breath especially with exertion, snoring and sleep apnea.
– Cardiovascular symptoms: Chest pain, tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmia, myocarditis, heart failure.
– Neurological symptoms: Dizziness, muscle aches, muscle fatigue, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, inability to think (brain fog), headache and stroke.
– Psychiatric: Anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, panic.
– Skin: Rash, swelling and redness of the fingers and toes, petechiae, hair loss.
– Digestive: Anorexia, sore throat, dyspepsia, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, vomiting, nausea.
– Ear, nose and throat: Tinnitus, hearing loss, difficulty speaking.
– Bones and joints: Joint pain, leg edema, movement disorders.
According to the doctors, treatment of post-Covid-19 sequelae is very important. If not treated promptly, patients with Covid-19 infection will experience prolonged respiratory function decline, muscle weakness, pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, etc., leading to affect to quality of life and labor productivity.
Before going to Viet Duc University Hospital for the post-Covid-19 examination, please contact us at 19001902 for advice and guidance.
For more details, please click HERE.