Proactively take care of health with booking service via Call Center 19001902
07/07/2020 15:28
According to specialists in medicine, human body likes a complex machine. As other machines, each organ needs a regular check-up and maintenance. However, the wheel of life makes a lot of people skip their self-healthcare, underestimate the symptoms – “voice” of their own body.
Leaning against the corridor at on-demand services clinic – Viet Duc University Hospital, Ms. N. V. T., 50 years-old, living in Cau Giay District, Hanoi shared that: “I have been coughing for months with chest pain, breath shortness but I thought it was normal so I didn’t go to the hospital. After clinical examination and imaging diagnostic tests, I was shocked when doctor I informed that I have a lung cancer at stage I. Now, I regret doing nothing”.

Taking care of our own health by hearing the “voice” of our own body
Sitting on the bench in front of Hepatobiliary Consultation Room – Viet Duc University Hospital, Mr. N. V. Tr., 68 years-old, from Phu Ly District, Ha Nam province shared: “Recently, I have presented perspiration with chills, jaundice, digestive disorder and sometimes raw pain. Don’t be subjective with my own health, I decided to come here searching for the help from doctors. I booked a scheduled consultation via hospital’s Call Center. The day after I left home from 5am and arrived here at 6 am. After the consultation, I still be able to catch the bus back home within the same day”.
Using booking service via Call Center is one of convenient technology solution in the 4.0 era, helping people to actively arrange the time for health check. Officially operating since January 2018, Call Center 19001902 of Viet Duc University Hospital has been implementing many modern, advanced technologies operating by a team of professional, devoted and thoughtful counselors. This is an important channel for the hospital to receive, to register for consultation, to consult and to instruct about medical examination protocol, to provide information about medical services and treatment, to receive feedbacks and to answer the questions from patients and their family during their stay at the hospital.

Call Center 19001902 of Viet Duc University Hospital officially started operation in January 2018
With the motto of patient centeredness in order to grant advantageous conditions for patients who come for consultation and treatment, Viet Duc University Hospital constantly improve the quality of medical services. Many patients and their family have expressed their satisfaction about hospital services and their belief in medical team with high professional level who help them feel secure during treatment.
Ms. N. T. L. 42 years-old, from Hanoi mother of a patient with hemangioblastoma shared: “When my boy was diagnosed of brain tumor, he was in 5th grade at school. I was not able to think that he could fully recovered and now being a 3rd year student at college. Although passing through 3 operations, he doesn’t suffer from any sequela. He lives and studies well, healthy and 1.70 meters tall. If not telling, nobody knows that he had brain tumor, had treatment and had many surgeries . If it is necessary to give an advice for patient, it must be: “Please, believe in doctors! Actively perform personal health check and also for other family members! Be confident against diseases to be completely cured!”.”