Risk of leg amputation – a victim of dog attack
27/05/2022 10:41
Recently, Viet Duc University Hospital has received one patient namely D.P.L (95 years old, Thai Binh). The patient has a history of high blood pressure and type II diabetes. However, he was still healthy and enjoyed normal life, rode bicycle around his residence. About a month ago, when riding on his bicycle, the dog of neighbor slipped off the chain and attacking him on the leg. That is domestic dog. After the accident, Mr. L was taken to the health care for vaccination and caring at home by her family. Even the wound was still inflamed and painful, but due to being infected by Covid-19, the patient was not able to go the hospital for a while. Recently, when he was tested again as the result turned to negative so the family took him to the hospital when the wound was necrotizing to black color.
At Viet Duc University Hospital, through the examination, Dr. Tran Tuan Anh, MD,MSc, at the Department of Septic Surgery and Wound Care diagnosed: The wounds by dog bites were quite complicated on his right leg with a black necrosis 15x8cm in size, difficult to catch pulse on that leg. X-ray film showed the the posterior tibial artery was completely occluded on both sides. He is indicated for angioplasty but the results is not sure to be a success.

Dr. Tran Tuan Anh, MD,MSc, examines patients.
Dr. Tuan Anh said that the risk of amputate limbs is very high because due to his age, comorbidities, and the disease developed for a long time. On the other hand, the long-standing comorbidities facilitated the infectious effect of the recent dog bite wound, which increases the narrowing of the blood vessels and leads to local occlusion, decrease of supply and resulting the necrosis of the soft tissue of limb. Mr. L. is still quite lucid, so we have checked carefully and explained to him and his family as well. Through this, we would draw the attention from people who have the health problems due to aging associated with comorbidities that need to be monitored and cared for regularly. Additionally, the pet dogs needs to be monitored for a civilized society, a clean living environment and also to reduce the risk of accident such as the case of Mr. L.