Saving a pediatric with intestinal obstruction by phytobezoar
14/03/2023 09:15 – Pediatric H.A.K. (8 years old, resident in Hanoi) visited Viet Duc University Hospital with symptom of stomach-ache 4 days associated with vomiting.

Examining for pediatric after surgery. Picture: BVCC
The patient’s mother said: her child manifested an abdominal pain 4 days ago, was taken to a hospital, then transferred to a private hospital in Hanoi for hospitalization for 3 days, monitored for unknown intestinal obstruction.
When coming to Viet Duc University Hospital, the patient was examined and diagnosed with intestinal obstruction by phytobezoar (indigestible food and materials). The findings from x ray examination shows that the phytobezoar moves downward but is blocked in the small intestine 20cm from the ileocecal angle, 4x2cm in size and solid.
Dr. Vu Hong Tuan, M.D, Department of Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery, performed an emergency surgery for patient by opening the small intestine to remove his phytobezoar and to decompression of small bowel with laparoscopic support. However, because laparoscopic surgery was difficult to perform due to bloated abdomen, the doctors have converted to open surgery with small incision of 5cm, detecting a very solid mass of food residue at the end of the ileum. The intestine was opened to remove the hytobezoarand and to suture up.
After 4 days of surgery, the patient had good digestion, had a light meal, and was taking care in the ward.
Dr. Vu Hong Tuan, M.D added: There are many causes of small bowel obstruction such as swallowing an indigestible foreign body, because the patient has an underlying disease of the pancreas that causes difficulty in digesting food, and worms cause intestinal obstruction. Intestinal obstruction due to hytobezoar in children is a rare, children need to be taken to highly qualified medical facilities and modern technical means for timely examination and treatment.