Saving life of patient with an ectopic pregnancy at an unusual location
10/08/2020 07:25
One rare extra-uterine pregnancy at an unusual location is difficult to remove because it invaded into the tissues around big vessel. In case of the placenta invades into the aorta or vena cava, resulting the perforation, the risk of mortality is extremely high.
Viet Duc University Hospital physicians recently performed a laparoscopic surgery to save life of a 21-years-old female patient, namely N.H.A comes from Hoai Duc province, Hanoi with a 6 to 7-week extra-uterine pregnancy that located between abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava.
For more than 11 years of working as surgeon, this was the second time Dr. BUI Thanh Phuc of Emergency Abdominal Surgery Department, Viet Duc University Hospital performing a difficult surgery for saving life of an extra-uterine pregnancy located between abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava of abdominal cavity.

Dr. BUI Thanh Phuc – Emergency Abdominal Surgery Department, Viet Duc University Hospital re-examined patient after surgery. Patient is now well recovered.
According to physicians, this extra-uterine embryo located at an extraordinary site is rare and very difficult to be resected because it attaches into the tissues around big vessel. If placenta invades into the abdominal aorta or inferior vena cava and perforates it, the mortality rate would be extremely high.
The surgeons have performed a laparoscopic surgery to remove the embryo. The advantages of this technique are to reduce the risk of post-operative intra-abdominal adhesion, less scar than conventional laparotomy.
After surgery, patient was consulted by specialists about appropriate treatment for avoiding the obstruction of fallopian tubular adhesion that might affect the fertility resulting the risk of another extra-uterine pregnancy or even infertility. The patient now is healthy.
To prevent the above mentioned case, physicians recommend women to see a doctor immediately when recognizing the early pregnancy signs to identify the location of the embryo and to strictly follow the periodic pregnancy check-up.
If there are any abnormal signs such as menstrual cycle late, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding… women should go to a specialized health facilities with sufficient equipment and qualified, professional level health staff to be examined, diagnosed and early detected any abnormalities of the pregnancy for quick, prompt management , to avoid unfortunate complications that might happen.
Reporter: Thai Binh / Sức khỏe & Đời sống Magazine