“Sending best gratitude” – for appriciation to peple who donated tissue, organs in Viet Duc University hospital
18/01/2021 07:32
To appreciate people and families who voluntarily donate tissues and organs to save life to others, on the afternoon of December 30th, Viet Duc University Hospital held a gratitude ceremony with the message “Sending Gratitude”.
To join this event, there were Ms. Tran Thi An – Deputy Head of Steering Committee of Central Health Care Department; Ms. Le Thi Phuong – Department of Foreign Affairs and Development Vietnam Red Cross; Prof. Dr. Tran Binh Giang – Secretary of Party Committee, Director of Viet Duc University Hospital; Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Tien Quyet – Former Director of Vietnam Duc University Hospital; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Nghia – Director of Organ Transplantation Center, Viet Duc University Hospital; Dr. Ninh Viet Khai – Deputy Director of Organ Transplantation Center, Viet Duc University Hospital and more than 20 families of donated patients.
On behalf of health staff of Viet Duc University Hospital and organ recipients, Prof. Dr. Tran Binh Giang – Hospital Director sent his deep appreciate and gratitude to the patients who still make life better by helping to revive many other lives before they passed away. That noble act, extending life for those who seem to have lost all hope for their life to be revived once more.
The tissue and organ donors contributed to the record organ transplantation at Viet Duc University Hospital with 23 organs transplanted from August 30 to September 12, 2020, including: 3 hearts, 4 livers, 16 kidneys. (Including: 8 kidneys from living donors, 15 organs from brain donors). The first time, Cardiovascular Surgery of Viet Duc University Hospital performed heart transplant for 2 patients in 2 consecutive days (September 11 and 12). Also the first time within 10 days (from August 28 to September 8, 2020), Organ Transplantation Consultation & Coordination Unit – Organ Transplantation Center (Viet Duc University Hospital) successfully mobilized 4 family with a brain dead patient volunteered to donate 3 hearts, 4 liver, 8 kidneys, 20 blood vessels, 2 heart valves, 2 corneas.
Before that, during the “Week of organ transplantation“, from August 12 to August 18, 2019, Viet Duc University Hospital also successfully performed 15 organ transplants (10 transplants from brain dead donors: lungs, 2 hearts, 3 liver, 4 kidneys) and 05 transplants from living donors (1 liver, 4 kidneys).
Up to now, doctors at Viet Duc University Hospital have successfully performed nearly 1100 kidney, 90 liver, 34 heart and 5 lung transplants.