Sharing experiences in managing osteoporosis
28/10/2023 11:36
Osteoporosis is an increasing concern of medical staff, and management of osteoporosis patients requires the collaboration of both internal medicine and surgeries. In particular, managing complications of osteoporosis plays an important role, especially bone fracture complications that need to be prevented, detected and intervened early and adequately.
To update and share experiences in the clinical practice of managing and treating osteoporosis, Viet Duc University Hospital, in collaboration with Novartis Company Limited – Sandoz Business Unit, has organized the Scientific Conference in Management Patients with Bone Fractures caused by osteoporosis.
Attending the Conference, on the side of Viet Duc University Hospital, there were Associate Professor, Nguyen Manh Khanh, MD, PhD, Vice Director of the Hospital, also a chairman of the workshop; Associate Professor, Nguyen Thi Kim Lien, MD, PhD, Head of Rehabilitation Department; and Dr. Nguyen Hoang Long, MD, PhD, Deputy Head of Spine Surgery Department.

Associate Professor, Nguyen Manh Khanh, MD, PhD, Vice Director of the Hospital is a chairman of the workshop
On be half of the Department of Medical Service Administration f – Ministry of Health, there was Doctor Nguyen Thi Thanh Lich, Deputy Head of the Rehabilitation and Health Assessment division; From Vietnam Rehabilitation Association, there were Professor, Dr. Cao Minh Chau, General Secretary, and Associate Professor Nguyen Trong Luu, MD, PhD, Vice President. The representative of Novartis Company Limited – Sandoz Business Unit, there was MS. Pharmacist. Le Thi Tuong Vy – Director of Sandoz Vietnam Specialty Pharmaceuticals. The participants were also leaders and doctors from Centers/Faculties/Departments of Viet Duc University Hospital and medical facilities in the region.
At the conference, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Long, MD, PhD, Deputy Head of the Spine Surgery Department, presented the report titled “The current situation of bone fractures due to osteoporosis at Viet Duc University Hospital”. Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease characterized by reduced bone mass and impaired bone microstructure, causing bones to become brittle and easy to break. Osteoporosis affects more than 50 million adults in the United States, with a prevalence of 10.3%. Osteoporosis is the leading cause of pathological bone fractures in the elderly, especially postmenopausal women. Common fracture locations are the femoral neck, spine, and wrist bones. Osteoporosis puts patients at an increased risk of pathological bone fractures. Treatment of fractures due to osteoporosis must combine treatment of the fracture and treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a risk factor for postoperative complications in surgeries involving bone fusion.

Dr. Nguyen Hoang Long, MD, PhD, Deputy Head of Spine Surgery Department, shared at the conference.
Additionally, Associate Professor Nguyen Thi Kim Lien, MD, PhD Head of the Rehabilitation Department, shared a presentation on “Updating treatment and rehabilitation in preventing re-fractures due to osteoporosis”. Associate Professor Nguyen Thi Kim Lien, MD, PhD said that 6 steps to prevent falls after re-fracture included avoiding tripping by eliminating hazards, installing handrails and using additional lighting systems; Performing weight-bearing exercises to increase muscle strength regularly and appropriately, combined with exercises to improve balance; Keeping glasses clean and in good condition, be careful when going up stairs if wearing bifocals, and wear sunglasses on sunny days to reduce glare; Wearing comfortable, supportive shoes with wide heels and non-slip soles; Maintaining a healthy diet including fresh fruits, vegetables and calcium-rich foods; Asking the patient about previous falls, and monitoring medication side effects.

Associate Professor, Nguyen Thi Kim Lien, MD, PhD, Head of the Rehabilitation Department presented a scientific report at the conference.
The workshop ended successfully.