Smart hospital and high technologies application in health care management patiens
13/06/2019 14:04
With the introduction of the Vietnam Culture and Economy Office in Taipei, on 8th May 2019, Viet Duc University Hospital was honored to welcome delegates from the Joint Committee of Taiwan (Joint Commission of Taiwan – JCT) and some major hospitals in Taiwan to visit Viet Duc University Hospital on a business trip to Vietnam.
JCT is an organization responsible for assessing and verifying the quality of the entire medical facility system in Taiwan at all levels to improve the quality of health services for people. On the occasion of the mission of the delegation in Vietnam, Viet Duc University Hospital is pleased to welcome the delegation to visit and work at the hospital to exchange opportunities for future cooperation to improve the quality of treatment and management at the hospital.

Prof. Tran Binh Giang – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital and Mr. Pa-Chun Wang – Chief of JCT
At the meeting, Prof. Tran Binh Giang – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital mentioned that the hospital always receives a large number of patients for daily medical examination and treatment. This is a challenge in operating, managing and quality assurance in hospitals. In addition, inpatient management with large numbers and conditions of management software is limited.

Prof. Tran Binh Giang speaks at the meeting
Ass. Prof. Nguyen Duc Chinh – Chief of International Cooperation Department expressed concern about this issue when so many patients came to the hospital for examination and treatment but the hospital did not find a suitable solution to solve. According to Ass. Prof. Nguyen Duc Chinh, this is not only a problem existed in Viet Duc University Hospital but also a problem of many central hospitals in Vietnam.

Ass. Prof. Nguyen Duc Chinh speaks at the meeting
After listening to the concern from the hospital, experts from the JCT organization proposed a solution that is currently very successful in hospitals in Taiwan: smart and high-tech hospitals in management, medical examination and treatment for patients coming to the hospital. This is still a relatively new topic in Vietnam when public hospitals are not yet fully accessible. However, in Taiwan’s medical facilities, it has been applied for a long time.

Mr. Pa-Chun Wang – Chief of JCT speaks at the meeting
Through videos and images introduced by the Taiwanese delegation, hospitals now use integrated software and applications to maximize information in managing patients in a uniform way (for medical employees) or support self-referencing medical examination information and prescriptions at automated machines in hospitals or mobile devices (for patients). Information displayed clearly, detailed not only supports hospitals but also helps patients and relatives to understand clearly about their own diseases. In addition, the service of booking an appointment with a specialist easily through the website or application system makes it convenient for the patient to actively plan the visit and the specialist can view the information about the medical history of the patient according to the examination schedule to have a more general view before meeting, thereby giving conclusions, prognosis and prescribing medicines more accurately.
Hence, Viet Duc University Hospital hopes to have more cooperation in the future with Taiwan partners to improve the quality of hospital management, gradually approach smart hospital model, meet the increasing demand of people about health services.

Prof. Tran Binh Giang handed over the historic picture of hospital at the beginning established

Gift offering from delegate of Taiwan

Photograph of staff of hospital and delegates
The meeting with experts and doctors from Taiwan further strengthened the close cooperation of Viet Duc University Hospital with Taiwan’s partners both in terms of expertise and management. At the same time, Taiwanese specialists and doctors affirmed that they will help Viet Duc University Hospital to implement the new technologies and bring doctors to Taiwan to gain new knowledge as well as Smart Hospital model … in order to improve the quality of reception and treatment of patients and management at hospital as well.
Ms. Phan Thu Lan, MA/International Cooperataion Department