Thanks for the Satellite Hospital Project, Son La General Hospital is transferred many advanced techniques by Viet Duc University Hospital.
12/11/2020 10:55
Viet Duc University Hospital (VDUH) is a leading center for medical consultations, treatment, training, and scientific research, assigned by the Ministry of Health (MOH) for implementing several projects, especially focused on training and technical transfer activities that help to improve the capacity of health care for provincial health in order to reduce the overload situation of the central level hospitals. On October 29th, 2020, at Son La General Hospital, VDUH’s Delegation led by Ass. Prof. Tran Dinh Tho PhD. – Vice Director of VDUH paid a visit for an investigation, evaluation and assessment of a technical support proposal, a tele-conference connection and a training, technical transfer contract signing.

On October 29th, 2020, VDUH’s Delegation led by Ass. Prof. Tran Dinh Tho PhD. – Vice Director of VDUH paid a visit for investigation, evaluation at Son La General Hospital.
Welcoming VDUH’s delegation, there are Dr. Do Xuan Thu – Director of Son La General Hospital, Dr. Lo Van Nhay – Vice Director and staff.
At the meeting, Dr. Do Xuan Thu – Director of Son La General Hospital reported to the Delegation about the technical transfer activities. Thanks for the effectiveness of the Satellite Hospital Project, Son La General Hospital was transferred many techniques, such as: scrub nurse for laparoscopic surgery ; Preventing pressure ulcer; Technician for bone cast; Knee arthroscopic surgery; Process and analysis of results of MRI in trauma; Post- surgery pain relief; Primary Trauma Care; Laparoscopic surgery for kidney injury; Laparoscopic surgery to treat kidney injury; Scrub nurses for conventional surgery; Nursing care for patients before and after surgery for digestive and urinary injuries; Nursing care for patients before and after surgery traumatic brain injury; Trauma surgery, traumatic brain injury; Wound care; Clinical teaching nursing; Thoracic injury surgery; Surgical immobilization for thoracic lumbar and back spine injuries ; Nursing care of patients before and after heart injury surgery; Hepatectomy for traumatic liver rupture; Angiography and vascular intervention in trauma; Post-injury rehabilitation.

Dr. Do Xuan Thu – Director of Son La General Hospital has reported to the Delegation about the receiving a technical transfer activities of their hospital.
From 2016 to June, 2020, VDUH and Son La General Hospital have conducted more than 200 online consultation sessions to support in a technical transferring, training, emergency care to save lives of many patients.

Dr. Nguyen Trong Tai – Center of Training and Direction of Health Activity (VDUH) reported the effectiveness of the Satellite Hospital Project at the meeting.
VDUH’s Delegation conducted an investigation and evaluation at Son La General Hospital about the infrastructure, current equipment and acceptance ability of a technical transfer. At the meeting, Dr. Phung Duy Hong Son PhD. – Vice Director of Cardio-vascular and Thoracic Center and Dr. Nguyen Viet Hoa PhD. – Chief of Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery Department conducted a training session for the doctors of Son La General Hospital. Dr. Phung Duy Hong Son PhD. shared the knowledge about an updated treatment in a thoracic trauma. Participating in the training, doctors of Son La General Hospital paid attention and raised many practical questions about the treatment to the patient. However, Dr. Phung Duy Hong Son PhD. emphasized that the cardio-vascular and thoracic caring of Son La General Hospital is not specialized enough. Beside that, through this activity, VDUH’s Delegation recommended Son La General Hospital to create a Pathology Unit to further complete its infrastructure to improve the quality of life for the people there.

Dr. Phung Duy Hong Son PhD. – Vice Director of Cardio-vascular and Thoracic Center shared the knowledge about an updated treatment in a thoracic trauma for the health staff of Son La General Hospital.

Dr. Nguyen Viet Hoa PhD. – Chief of Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery Department conducted a training session for the doctors of Son La General Hospital.
Ass. Prof. Tran Dinh Tho – VDUH’s Vice Director said: currently Son La General Hospital is still facing many challenges in human resource and medical equipment but the doctors and health staff have always tried their bests to improve the professional capacities to meet an increasing health care demand of the people. VDUH continues to support and transfer the technical packages based on the demand of Son La General Hospital in order to ensure the consultation and treatment quality, help the local people to get many advanced techniques at their home town.