The Naval Command paid a visit to Viet Duc University Hospital
27/04/2021 15:22
Recently, in Hanoi, the delegation of Naval Command led by Rear Admiral Hoang Hong Ha – Deputy Commander of the Marine Corps has visited and worked in Viet Duc University Hospital.
Joining the delegation there were : Colonel Pham Chi Son – Deputy Director of Naval Logistics; Colonel Le Thanh Hung – Director of the Institute of Naval Medicine; Lieutenant Colonel Truong Van Tu – Deputy Director of Military Medicine; Lieutenant Colonel Vu Hoang Hai – Office Assistant.

Panoramic of the meeting
At the meeting, on the side of Viet Duc University Hospital, there were: Prof. Tran Binh Giang – Director; The Representative of the Training and Direction of Health Activities Center; Representative from Department of Personal and Staff, Department of Bio-Medical Equipment, Department of Social Work, Department of Information Technology, Department of Pharmacy.
Rear Admiral Hoang Hong Ha – Deputy Commander of the Marine Corps said: “Very happy for the delegation of the Naval Command today to visit and work with Viet Duc University Hospital. In the coming time, the Naval Command hopes to receive support from the Hospital such as: training for medical staff of the Naval Command; transferring the technical corresponding to the professional expertise of the Naval Medical Institute; applying telemedicine between the Naval Medical Institute and medical units in the Naval Command and Viet Duc University Hospital …”

Rear Admiral Hoang Hong Ha – Deputy Commander of the Marine Corps
Speaking at the meeting, Prof. Tran Binh Giang emphasized: “Viet Duc University Hospital is a special class hospital, specialized in surgery, we are always ready to help with professional skills as well as medical science and technology for Naval Command. In order to affectively achieve the activities, our hospital will have plan to carry out works as proposed by the Naval Command.”.

Prof. Tran Binh Giang – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital speaks at the meeting.

The delegation visited the traditional room of Viet Duc University Hospital
After the successful meeting, the delegation visited the Traditional room of Viet Duc University Hospital – which holds the historical value of establishment and development of the hospital for over 110 years.