Viet Duc University Hospital conducts survey and evaluates the activities of Direction of Healthcare Activities and technology transfer at Dien Bien Provincial General Hospital
28/03/2023 07:39
On February 9, 2023, experts from Viet Duc University Hospital had a business trip at Dien Bien Provincial General Hospital. During the business trip, the delegation conducted a survey and assessment of the existing facilities and equipment (specializing in Surgery, Anesthesia, Medical imaging) and the ability to receive the package of kidney transplantation techniques of the hospital (human resources, equipment, etc.) according to the project 1816 and the project of remote medical examination and treatment, and at the same time inspected the operation of the Direction of Healthcare Activities and the operation plan of the hospital in 2023.
Joining the event, on behalft of Viet Duc University Hospital (VDUH), there were Prof. Dr. Tran Binh Giang – Director of the hospital, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Manh Khanh – Deputy Director of the hospital and leaders of the hospital’s centers/departments: Emergency and Outpatient Department, Anesthesia Surgical Intensive Care Center, Medical Imaging & Nuclear Medicine Center, and Anatomic Pathology, Cytological Pathology and Forensic Medecine, … on behalft of Dien Bien Provincial General Hospital, there were Dr. Pham Van Man – Deputy Director of the provincial department of health, Dr. Vu Van Hai – Deputy Director of the hospital and Chief of departments/office in the hospital.

Prof. Dr. Tran Binh Giang – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital speaks at Dien Bien Provincial General Hospital

Viet Duc University Hospital signed a professional cooperation agreement with Dien Bien Provincial General Hospital
During the meeting, both sides also signed a survey proramme, after this business trip, the Training and Direction of Healthcare Activities Center – Viet Duc University Hospital will have the plan to carry out the activities and support Dien Bien Provincial General Hospital in the best way.
At the end of the program, the delegation of Viet Duc University Hospital agreed with the hospital’s plan of directing activities in 2023 and will support technical packages according to specialties such as: Emergency abdominal surgery, Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Anesthesia Surgical Intensive Care, Medical Imaging … also according to project 1816 – The project of remote medical examination and treatment in 2023. However, to effectively direction of healthcare activities, it is necessary to add some additional equipment to serve the transfer of technical packages.

The delegation took souvenir photos
Department of Social Work