Viet Duc University Hospital cooperates with the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Union to organize the “Voluntary Blood Donation Day 2023”
17/05/2023 14:35
Responding to Workers’ Month and National Voluntary Blood Donation Day, on April 6, at Hanoi University of Industrial Textile, Vietnam Textile and Apparel Union cooperated with Viet Duc University Hospital to organize “Voluntary Blood Donation Day 2023” with the message “Staff, union members, employees and workers in Vietnam’s textile industry join hands to share with the community”.

Representatives of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Union, Hanoi University of Industrial Textile and Viet Duc University Hospital took souvenir photos.
Attending the event were Mr. Nguyen Thai Duong, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Union; Mr. Nguyen Van Duc, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Dean of Hanoi University of Industrial Textile, Mr. Nguyen Thu Phuong, Vice Dean and Chairman of the University. On the side of Viet Duc University Hospital, there was Dr. Luu Thi To Uyen, MSc, Deputy Director of the Blood Transfusion Center. Attending the event were also the leaders of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee of Hanoi University of Industrial Textile, Standing Committee of the Group’s Youth Union and especially the presence of more than 400 officials and union members, students, workers and employees of the textile industry.

Mr. Nguyen Thai Duong, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Union spoke at the program.
Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Union, Mr. Nguyen Thai Duong shared: Donating blood is a nice gesture that contributes to bringing life to patients. Aware of this, over the years, the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Union has organized many humanitarian blood donation programs and received the enthusiastic participation of officials and employees in the textile industry.

Dr. Luu Thi To Uyen, MSc,Deputy Director of Blood Transfusion Center, Viet Duc University Hospital spoke at the program.
On behalf of the Blood Transfusion Center of Viet Duc University Hospital, Dr. Luu Thi To Uyen, MSc, would like to express her thanks to the officials and employees of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Union, lecturers and students of the Hanoi University of Industrial Textile. She hopes humanitarian blood donation is increasingly spread and widely responded to in society.

The program received the response of a large number of officials, union members, employees of Vietnam’s textile and apparel industry.
With the noble meaning of “A drop of blood to give, a life to stay“, the event received 400 units of qualified blood for treatment and emergency medical services at Viet Duc University Hospital. Blood drops of gratitude have been contributing to sharing difficulties with patients, and at the same time, rekindling the tradition of “Loving other as self-loving “, spreading the voluntary blood donation ideas in the community. To donate blood to save lives, everyone can also participate in voluntary blood donation at the hospital’s fixed blood donation point at the address: Room 132, building C2, Viet Duc University Hospital.
Some pictures in the event: