Viet Duc University Hospital set a new record with the 1,000th kidney transplant
19/10/2020 07:42
Doctors at Viet Duc University Hospital have successfully performed the 1,000th kidney transplant for patient: Đ.X.T, 49 years old, in Hanoi, on September 28, 2020.

Doctors at Viet Duc University Hospital are performing kidney transplant for patient Đ.X.T.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Quang Nghia, Director of Organ Transplantation Center, Viet Duc University Hospital, said: patient Đ.X.T had a history of terminal chronic kidney failure at second degree from 2017, conservative treatment (using drugs, dialysis, no kidney replacement is needed). However, on January 2020, the patient turned to terminal chronic kidney failure, needed hemodialysis 3 times per week at Viet Duc University Hospital.
“If the kidney was not transplanted, patient has to undergo dialysis, hemodialysis for whole life and may affect heart function, cause infection, heart failure, musculoskeletal pathology …”, said by the director of Organ Transplantation Center. Additionally, the long-term hemodialysis cost effects to patient’ economic.
In fact, due to the high cost, kidney transplant is mainly applicable (accounting for 80%) to patients in developed countries. Meanwhile, in developing countries this rate is only 10-20%; many people who do not receive the kidney transplantation will die due to complications of terminal kidney failure.
Deputy Director of Organ Transplantation Center, Viet Duc University Hospital – Dr. Ninh Viet Khai added: Viet Duc University Hospital is on the top of the national hospitals in organ transplant from brain death donors. From the first case at Viet Duc University Hospital in 2002, there are 122 kidney transplant from brain death donors (12%) up to now.
“The brain death donor can donate 2 kidneys to 1 patient, also donate many other organs such as heart, lungs, tendons, corneas, blood vessels to save other patient’s life. Kidney transplant technique from brain death donor has more advantages than living donors because when taking organs from living donors must ensure absolute safety. On a healthy patient, we should remove the organs accurately in order to avoid complications” said by Deputy Director of Organ Transplantation Center, Viet Duc University Hospital, Dr. Ninh Viet Khai.
On the other hand, organ transplants from brain death donors will receive longer blood vessels than from a living donors, easier for transplantation. For living donors, only shorter blood vessels can be obtained, so to make a better transplant, doctors have other options such as switching to other blood vessels for kidney transplantation, forming enlargement of kidney vessels by using genital veins or arteries preserved from the tissue bank.
Currently, Viet Duc University Hospital conducts 100% laparoscopic surgery to take organs from living donors for less pain after surgery, ensure aesthetic aspect, quickly recover, and shorten hospital stay.
Kidney transplant for patients Đ.X.T was conducted in 3 hours; after surgery, the patient was caring in ICU. At the moment, after 10 days of kidney transplantation, the patient D.X.T is completely stable, alert, eating normally and can be discharged from the hospital for returning to his daily life.
“I am extremely grateful to the doctors of the Viet Duc University Hospital for saving my life. I hope there will be more patients can be cured like me … “, patient Đ.X.T said emotionally.

After 10 days of kidney transplant, the patient Đ.X.T is stable.