Viet Duc University Hospital successfully organized Conference to conclude the Training and Direction of Health Activities (DOHA) and Telemedicine project in 2023.
13/12/2023 09:21
Strengthening care, protection, improving health, quality of medical examination and treatment for people and developing the medical network at the low level is one of the priority tasks in the health sector. Implementing Decision No. 14/2013 of the Prime Minister on implementing a time-limited rotation regime for practitioners at medical examination and treatment facilities, the Ministry of Health, People’s Committees of provinces and cities as well as central nuclear hospitals, including Viet Duc University Hospital, have actively implemented many solutions through schemes, projects and DOHA such as: Hospital Project satellite institute, NORRED – North-East and Red River Delta Regions Health System Support Project ; Project 1816, Telemedicine … and has achieved remarkable results such as: Many hospitals have been renovated and upgraded; increase the number of hospital beds; reduce bed-shared; Master and routinely implement techniques transferred by nuclear hospitals, thereby reducing referral rates. Especially people in remote areas enjoy high quality medical services.
To evaluate the results of training and DOHA as well as point out the difficulties and advantages in implementing the above activities, on November 3rd , 2023, Viet Duc University Hospital organized a “Conference to conclude training, DOHA and project of Telemedicine in 2023“.

Conference to conclude the training and DOHA and Telemedicine in 2023 was held at Ton That Tung Hall on 03/11/2023 morning
Attending the Conference, on the side of the Ministry of Health, there was Associate Professor, Dr. Luong Ngoc Khue – Director of the Agency of Medical Service Administration.

Photo of Assoc. Prof. Khue and Assoc. Prof. Tho
From Viet Duc University Hospital side, there was Dr. Duong Duc Hung, MD, PhD – Party Committee Secretary, Director Hospital; Prof. Tran Binh Giang, MD, PhD – Former Director of Viet Duc University Hospital; Assoc. Prof. Tran Dinh Tho, MD, PhD – Deputy Director of the Hospital and leaders of departments/divisions/centers/institutes.
Also attending the conference were l representatives and doctors, nurses, and technicians from hospitals and lower-level medical facilities.
Opening the conference, Dr. Duong Duc Hung, MD, PhD shared: training and DOHA are the idea of the Ministry of Health and affirmed that this is also one of the important responsibilities of Viet Duc University Hospital for with the health sector in recent years and the achievements are the result of both upper and lower-level hospitals efforts. Director of Viet Duc University Hospital shared that the activities in Telemedicine project have promoted the effect of leveling the gap in technique and expertise among different levels.

Dr. Duong Duc Hung, MD, PhD – Party Committee Secretary, Director of Viet Duc University Hospital speaks at the conference
Along with the development of science and technology, Telemedicine projects have been implemented by Viet Duc University Hospital, expanding connections to satellite hospitals and many cases have been successfully treated. In particular, 3 days ago, a team of experts at Viet Duc University Hospital received 01 emergency consultation case of a patient with traumatic brain injury with the team of Thao Nguyen General Hospital (Mai Chau) via connection form of Telemedicine that is successful.

Experts at Viet Duc University Hospital consulted an emergency case of patient with traumatic brain injury with the team of Thao Nguyen General Hospital (Mai Chau) via connection form of Telemedicine
Dr. Duong Duc Hung, MD, PhD – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital confirms that despite many difficulties caused by the Covid pandemic, the leadership and all hospital staff are still united, ensuring the continuous development of hospital activities in general as well as training and DOHA in particular.
Results of implementation of training, DOHA and Telemedicine projects of Hospital in 2023 at the conference are:
Viet Duc University Hospital annually receives 2,500 – 3,000 students, undergraduates, and postgraduates from teaching establishments in health across the country to study, research, and improve their profession.
In 2023, Viet Duc University Hospital organizes 111 CME for 2,107 fellows from lower-level hospitals in many different forms such as online training, short courses…, organized training and technology transfer according to schemes and projects for 209 trainees from 62 beneficiary hospitals, helping lower-level medical staff and staff gradually improve their skills and quality of examinations and treatment.
Viet Duc University Hospital promptly notified and discussed with the level hospitals at low levels for 7 cases of professional errors in 2023, thereby helping these hospitals staff to learn from experience and improve their skills, avoid unwanted complications and sequelae in the future.
In the first 10 months of 2023, Viet Duc University Hospital organized 53 online consulting and consultation sessions with 110 provincial and district hospitals, contributing to solving difficult cases and saving the lives of critically ill patients in remote areas, unable to be transferred to higher levels for treatment.
Viet Duc University Hospital has regularly organized conferences and seminars on a scale from domestic to international, with the aim of updating, exchanging and sharing knowledge between leading experts at home and abroad with lower-level medical officers and staff.

Assoc. Prof. Luong Ngoc Khue, MD, PhD – Director of the Agency of Medical Service Administration, Ministry of Health speaks at the Conference
Speaking at the Conference, Assoc. Prof. Luong Ngoc Khue, MD, PhD – Director of the Agency of Medical Service Administration, Ministry of Health praised the sharing and technical and professional assistance and at the same time promoted the spirit of proactive coordination and collaboration of experts from Viet Duc University Hospital with lower-level hospitals and medical facilities to together complete the noble task of curing patients.
PGS.TS Lương Ngọc Khuê cũng đề nghị các đơn vị cơ sở y tế vệ tinh cần có kế hoạch cụ thể, đánh giá tổng quát về cơ sở vật chất, trang thiết bị, kỹ thuật, nhân lực,… để các cơ sở y tế tuyến trên có kế hoạch chỉ đạo tuyến hỗ trợ kịp thời, nhanh nhất và hiệu quả nhất. Công tác chỉ đạo tuyến là một trong những nhiệm vụ quan trọng của ngành Y tế. Hoạt động này góp phần nâng cao chất lượng khám, chữa bệnh, đưa dịch vụ kỹ thuật y tế đến gần nhân dân, nâng cao chất lượng khám, chữa bệnh, đảm bảo sự công bằng trong việc tiếp cận dịch vụ y tế và đáp ứng nhu cầu khám bệnh, chữa bệnh ngày càng cao của nhân dân, giảm tình trạng quá tải cho bệnh viện tuyến Trung ương. Song song đó, PGS Lương Ngọc Khuê giao nhiệm vụ Bệnh viện Hữu nghị Việt Đức tiếp tục đẩy mạnh, nâng cao chăm sóc sức khỏe người dân, giúp đỡ các bệnh viện, cơ sở y tế tuyến dưới qua các hình thức: TeleHealth; Chỉ đạo tuyến, khám – chữa bệnh từ xa;…
Assoc. Prof. Luong Ngoc Khue, MD, PhD also suggested that satellite medical facilities need to have specific plans and general assessments of facilities, equipment, techniques, human resources, etc. so that the facilities can the central hospitals has a plan of DOHA in a timely, fastest and most effective manner. DOHA is one of the important tasks of the health sector. This activity contributes to improving the quality of medical examination and treatment, bringing medical technical services closer to the people, improving the quality of medical examination and treatment, ensuring fairness in accessing medical services and meeting the needs of the people. Meet the people’s increasing medical examination and treatment needs, reducing overload at central hospitals. At the same time, Associate Professor Luong Ngoc Khue assigned Viet Duc University Hospital to continue promoting and improving people’s health care, helping hospitals and lower-level medical facilities through the following forms: TeleHealth; DOHA, Telemedicine …
Some photos at the conference and reports from representatives of satellite medical facilities