Viet Duc University Hospital was certified ISO 9001:2015 for the quality management system
29/12/2020 09:51
To standardize the performing work processes of functional departments as well as the whole hospital, recently, 11 functional departments and the pharmacy and dietetic departments of Viet Duc University Hospital have completed their documentation according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
After all the documents are completed, on November 18th 2020, Vietnam Certification Center (QUACERT) has evaluated the quality management system for 13 offices and departments at Viet Duc University Hospital according to ISO 9001: 2015 standard in terms of “Medical examination and treatment management”.
To recognize the achievement, on 11th December 2020, Viet Duc University Hospital solemnly held “Ceremony of receiving ISO 9001:2015 certification of standard Quality management system”. Attending to the ceremony, there were Mr. Nguyen Van Khoi – Director General of General Department of Standards metrology and quality; on the other side, Prof. Tran Binh Giang, PhD – Director and leaders of 13 offices and departments of Viet Duc University Hospital.

At the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Van Khoi – Director General – General Department of standards, metrology and quality has stated the decision to award the certification to Viet Duc University Hospital

Mr. Nguyen Van Khoi – Director General – General Department of standards, metrology and quality has handed over the certification to Prof. Tran Bing Giang, PhD – Director of Viet Duc University Hospital
Prof. Tran Binh Giang, PhD – Director has highly appreciated The department for standards, metrology and quality for accompanying through whole process of implementation and evaluation of documents of quality management systems of hospital. This is an important thing that the Party Committee and Board of Director of the Hospital paid special attention because the standardization of working process of offices and departments could contribute for making the hospital being increased more professional. With the motto: Intensive level – Modern equipment – Professional style – Dedicated care will be the guideline so that after receiving the certification, the offices and departments will raise their responsibility to perform the working process according to ISO 9001: 2015 standards.

Board of Directors of Viet Duc University Hospital took a souvenir photo with leaders of departments

Whole ceremony

Decision on Certification of Quality Management System TCVN ISO 9001: 2015