Vietnam Railway Corporation joins hands to community: Donate a drop of blood – Save a life
16/05/2022 10:22
With the spirit “Donate a drop of blood – Save a life”, in the morning of April 25, the Youth Union of Vietnam Railway Corporation (VNR) in collaborating with professional, Vietnam Railway Union and Viet Duc University Hospital has organized “Voluntary Blood Donation Day 2022” at Hanoi Railway Station.

Voluntary Blood Donation Day was held at the Hanoi Railway Station.
In response to the program, more than 200 members of Youth Union of VNR as well as officials and employees for whole transport systems, locomotives, wagons, bridges and roads, signal information and operation management in Hanoi have participated in Voluntary Blood Donation Day. As a result, the program has collected 178 units of precious blood. This is a priceless gift that officials, employees and workers of VNR donated in hoping to bring life to the less fortunate people, give faith and hope to the lives of people…
After the success of Blood Donation Day at Hanoi Railway Station, the program will continue to be widely deployed in regional railway units.

Leaders of Vietnam Railway Corporation participate in the Voluntary Blood Donation Day.

The scene of the Voluntary Blood Donation Day at Hanoi Railway Station.

The joy of participating in the Voluntary Blood Donation Day.

The participation of leaders at all levels and many staffs, employees, passengers at Hanoi railway station and people around the area participate in the program.

The program spreads the humanitarian action “Every drop of blood given – A life to stay”.

Vietnam Railway Youth joins hands to donate blood to save lives.

Leaders of Railway Units in Hanoi participate in the blood donation day.

Vietnam Railway Youth Union actively participates in the Voluntary Blood Donation Day.
With the message “Happiness is sharing”, let’s join hands with Viet Duc University Hospital to donate blood to save lives, share kindness and join hands for the community.
To participate in this programme, anyone who wishes donating blood, will go directly to the blood donation site in Viet Duc University Hospital:
Address: Room 132, 1st floor, building C2, Viet Duc University Hospital.
Or the hospital blood donation location at Soc Son District Health Center, Hanoi.
Contact Customer Service Hotline 19001902 for details and instructions.
Department of Social Work