Welcoming foreign students to study at Viet Duc University Hospital according to International Standards
16/05/2022 10:12
As a leading center of medical examination and treatment, education and scientific research with specialized qualifications, modern equipment, dedicated care and professional style, every year, Viet Duc University Hospital provides more than 260,000 medical examinations, treats more than 46,000 outpatient, and performs about 70,000 surgeries. This is also a training facility for thousands of trainees and students every year and has many international cooperation projects with hospitals in the world such as France, USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan…
With close and sustainable international cooperation, every year, the hospital regularly receives hundreds of foreign students to conduct an elective placement. They highly appreciate the professional educational environment at Viet Duc University Hospital with its high level of expertise, friendliness and enthusiasm.

Every year, Viet Duc University Hospital regularly receives hundreds of foreign students for doing an clinical clerkship.
As one of the first foreign students to study at the Viet Duc University Hospital in 2022, Alexander Michael Larkin Hayes, a 6th-year student at the University of Oxford – the UK’s prestigious university said “I am very excited about this clinical clerkship at the hospital to discover the differences of healthcare system and surgical techniques in Vietnam, especially in the Neurology and Neuro Intensive care of the Hospital. Thereby, I wanted to learn the pathologies as well as organization and health services between Vietnam and the UK. In the future, with my experience in Vietnam, I would like to be a volunteer in developing countries for medical education and treatment.”

Alexander Michael Larkin Hayes, a 6th-year student at the University of Oxford – the UK’s prestigious university, was extremely excited when conducting an clinical clerkship at Viet Duc University Hospital.
Sharing about the educational environment, Dr. Ngo Thi Huyen of the Neurology and Neuro Intensive Care Department, Viet Duc University Hospital said: With a history of more than 115 years, the hospital is a leading surgical center with modern techniques, qualified medical treatment toward patient satisfaction. In the Neurology and Neuro Intensive Care Department, the students are provided the opportunity to approach the diseases in neurology with typical diseases such as peripheral neuropathy, myopathy, neurological infection and stroke (cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, etc.). Chronic neurological diseases with many severe cases are also an opportunity for students to access the most advanced and effective methods of diagnosis and treatment. The discussion between students and supervisors in English or French helps foreign students to understand and easily integrate to complete the course as expected.

Doctor Ngo Thi Huyen was introducing a special case to the foreign student at the Neurology Department, Viet Duc University Hospital.

At Viet Duc University Hospital, foreign students have access to a variety of diseases with many serious and special cases.
In April 2021, Viet Duc University Hospital was officially recognized by the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) as a training center of global standards. The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) is an independent sector providing world-class education, assessment and global certification by professional standards. The educational institutions related to surgery which are not only in the UK but also in many countries would be granted RCS certificates to promote their reputation for training and surgical quality as international standards.
To receive this globally valuable certification, Viet Duc University Hospital must standardize the supervisors, training programs and materials; complete facilities and equipment for learning; effectively apply the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System to Training and Direction at the hospital and receive the consensus of the Members’ Council with many strict evaluation criteria. This will be the basis for Viet Duc University Hospital to attract the attention of major global hospitals and medical facilities as well as foreign experts. Thereby, the doctors have many sessions to share professional experiences to help improve the medical quality of each other as well as accept foreign students/colleagues to study with the international standards.
Social Work Department