The Center of andrology
Expert team

Director of the Center of Andrology; Deputy Chief of Department of Urology, Vice President of Vietnamese Society for Sexual Medicine
Position: Director of Andrology Center ( for male health) , Viet Duc University Hospital. Specialized: Andrology (for...

Vice Director of The Center of Andrology
Position: Vice director of Andrology Center (for male health), Viet Duc University Hospital Specialized: Andrology...

Doctor of Andrology Center ( for male health ) , Viet Duc University Hospital
Position: Doctor of Andrology Center ( for male health ) , Viet Duc University Hospital Specialized: Surgery for male...

Study: Application results of laparoscopic surgery conservative treatment of kidney injury with excretory tract...

Surgeon of Andrology Center (for male health ), Viet Duc University Hospital
Position: Surgeon of Andrology Center (for male health ), Viet Duc University Hospital Specialized: Andrology...